What happens when someone is really sick with cancer

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When someone is very sick with cancer, they will usually have to undergo several treatments to get rid of the disease. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-someone-is-really-sick-with-cancer ]
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What happens when someone is really sick with cancer
When someone is very sick with cancer, they will usually have to undergo several treatments to get rid of the disease. ChaCha!

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Why would someone who had been diagnosed with a type of cancer pretend like everything was totally fine &?
Q: Last month a lump was found under my best friend’s arm by her masseuse and she saw her doctor and did some tests, and was then referred to a pediatric oncologist. From the very start, she insisted that everything was totally fine because the symptoms she had were very similar to ones she had when she had mono when she was younger (weight loss, horrible night sweats that made her an insomniac, these marks on her back that looked like chicken pox but weren’t), and that it wasn’t anything serious. She’d hurt her arm and shoulder really badly in April (which is why she was at the physical therapist getting a massage) and had had a ton of tests then that hadn’t shown any lumps or anything at all, so she said the lump they found in July had to be nothing. Okay, so I was all on board with what she said, but now I know that it’s not true, that she really is sick. I don’t know if she’s just in denial or if she is having like a mental breakdown or something or what, but she has never been a liar or dishonest and she keeps telling me she’s totally fine and is refusing to get treatment. For months she had been fund raising and planning for this trip to China to volunteer, and her parents had told her that she couldn’t go after the whole cancer thing happened, but on the same day as the MRI she went ahead and met up with her group at the airport and flew off. She sent an email to her parents and to me saying she knew she was fine and there wasn’t a point waiting for the test results anyway. Okay, so then the results came in and her parents have been trying to get me to get her to come home, and it’s gotten really, really, really bad. It’s been almost three weeks now and my friend is still refusing to come home. She’s not suicidal. She’s not had a psychological problem before. She just graduated from high school a year early as the valedictorian, and is supposed to go to Stanford, so there’s no question about her being smart. She’s always been sort of rebellious, but not like a drug user or anything really bad. So I don’t understand what’s going on with her. She has this really intense needle phobia and hates hospitals, like way more than most people, so I don’t know if she’s just that scared she can’t face reality or what. Is it normal to be in denial like that? Have you ever known someone totally sane do something sort of insane after getting news like that?Her other friend asked a question about her last night, so if this seems like a repeat that’s why, but this isn’t a fake situation, it’s completely real. It’s just honestly that weird.Midnight – yeah didnt mean to bombard the board with questions. I haven’t asked any in a few weeks. I just don’t know where else to ask this sort of thing. Her stepdad was supposed to go there to get her but there was a typhoon in China so its been pushed back. She’s normally the most mature teenager you’d ever meet btw. K8 – it’s nodular s (something i dont remember) hodgkin lymphomaI didnt give anybody thumbs down btw.April it’s totally understandable if you don’t believe this. I get that. It’s real, but there’s no way I can prove that to you, so I won’t bother. I haven’t asked any questions at all in like three weeks, and just one other friend of hers asked a question yesterday. So it’s really not that many. I don’t know how you know about her having been in Harbin. That’s really weird. That’s not even where she is now, that’s where she was like last week. How did you even know that she was there? The problem is getting flights into Beijing, not the flights in China. You connect through Beijing or Seoul, and I guess Seoul is booked up because of all the rerouting. Idk. They will get to her, I’m sure, that’s not the point. My point is I don’t understand why she is being like this anyway cause it’s just f’d up they have to go there. But like I said, it’s totally cool if you don’t want to believe, I mean this is the internet, but I wouldn’t waste my time here for drama. That would be so pathetic.I just made my Q&A public, so as you can see, besides asking this question twice, I haven’t asked any in weeks.Oh and yeah, I’ve known her personally since we were six years old. The other girl who asked questions about her met both of us from here, but I’ve known her most of my life – in real life – not cyber life.
A: This girl is telling the truth. I know the story sounds a little odd, but it is true. I have answered several of her questions from the beginning and there is no way she is making this up. Some of you may know I am not a push over kind of person. I was 95% sure her friend had lymphoma before the results were back even when she was not ready to believe it yet.Lars,I’m sure the reason for her behavior is a combination of a lot of things and I doubt she could put it into words herself and may not understand it or see it yet. She may be able to talk herself into believing this is another bout of mono and she will be fine like last time. The symptoms are very similar, but somewhere inside she must know she cannot explain away the biopsy results. I don’t know if I told you before, but having mono is a risk factor for lymphoma.
Can’t figure out if someone is really dead, please read this and help?
Q: Ok, so back in September, a VERY close pen pal of mine from myspace supposedly passed away at 22 years old, from cancer. His name was Gabriel. The thing is, NOTHING adds up! He lived in Virginia, I live in Maryland, roughly 1 hour away from one another.This is why nothing adds up. While we were talking for the first 2 months or so, he seemed perfectly fine. We talked pretty much every single day. Then, he suddenly tells me that he’s very sick, like out of the blue, and tells me he has cancer, and that’s he’s on some kind of chemo pills or something like that.Also, Gabriel never gave me his home address, just the location of a nearby “wawa” that was near his house. His friend Brian, also won’t give me his address. Gabriel both lived near the same area. Gabe lived in Woodbridge VA, Brian lived in Stafford VA. I believe they’re right next to one another.A few weeks after I found this out, he ended up in the hospital. But he wouldn’t tell me which hospital because he knew I’d try to pay him a visit but he didn’t want me to see him supposedly because “he didn’t want me to see him in that condition.”Then I wanted to send him a get well soon gift, just a CD. So at first he said send it to his mom who will take it to him at the hospital, but then changed his mind and had me send the CD to his best friend Brian’s house for him to take to Gabe. (Brian, who I still keep in touch with, but never met).This confuses me because after Gabriel passed away, I soon found out from Brian that Gabriel was supposedly at a hospital in Oklahoma which specialized in cancer. Are you trying to tell me that there was NO hospital closer than Oklahoma that specialized in cancer patients!? Gabriel had testicular cancer, however deadly that may be, I don’t know.I only know of his death because Gabriel made Brian relay all this information to me. I didn’t find out he passed away until like 3 days after it happened. But, the morning I found out at like 4 am was also the same morning that would be Gabriel’s viewing. Brian said he would get back to me in a few hours to let me know where it was so I could be there, but never called supposedly because his mother didn’t know me so she didn’t want me there. Yet, there was supposedly about 120 people at his funeral!Then he was supposedly cremated! No grave site for me to visit.I’ve tried looking for death records of him online, for the past 4 months, and still can’t find ANYTHING about a death of a Paxton (his last name) in the Virginia area.So I’ve been doing research since then. I’ve messaged just about EVERYONE on Gabriel’s myspace friends list, those who lived in Virginia anyway, and everyone said just about the same thing when I asked if they had ever met him, and they said “No, we talked online before, and planned to meet, but never did.” He had about 26 people on his myspace. The ONLY person on his myspace that knew him was Brian. How is that not suspicious!?So I wanted to meet Brian, because it would be comforting for me to be around someone who was also close to Gabriel since it’s harder to lean on my friends shoulders for support when they didn’t even know who he was. But, Brian won’t let me meet him, supposedly because “it’s too hard on him”, yet it’s 4 months later! He also uses the excuse that he’s never home because of his job and is always on the road, yet there’s always a few points in time where he is home. And for someone who talks to me almost everyday for 4 months, it’s weird that he doesn’t want me to meet him.I’m really starting to think that Gabriel and Brian might be the same person, but what do you all think? Please let me know! This is a huge mystery in my life and it’s really bothering me, so please give me some opinions. Thanks!He also lived on his own. AND, his cell kept ringing for WEEKS after he passed away. I kept calling in hopes a loved one would answer, but nobody ever did, How can a phone last that long, even on standby!? And it was an iPhone at that and I hear the battery doesn’t last THAT long on those. After about a month or a month 1/2, his phone did get turned off.I don’t think he didn’t wanna talk to me anymore, because he was usually the one who would always text ME everyday.
A: I don’t know but joking about cancer isn’t cool… People can die from it suddenly…I hope your friend didn’t die, but if he was joking with it that is pretty sick..
When is the government gonna make an outdoor designated smoking area? (Im sick of breathing the toxic smoke)?
Q: Smoking in public indoors is already illegal. But its not nearly enough! Everywhere I go outside, whether im on the sidewalks, in front of all the stores, walking to the store, walking down the street, walking through a parking lot, standing on line, going shopping, and EVERYWHERE outside in public I am forced to have to breathe in nasty dangerous toxic cancerous cigarette smoke from idiots who choose to ruin their body and not care about other peoples safety. Im sick of breathing in their filth and stink. Its simply too lax. Theres no way I can possibly avoid it when I am outside in public. Once I see a smoker or group of them, as soon as a get a couple feet away, here comes another group of filthy smokers and so on and so on. Its everywhere!!! I have to cough out loud so they can understand what people are feeling. Im so sick of it and having to deal with this ****. Im sure other people feel the exact same way. The smoke is so nasty that if you just walk near or through it, your clothes will stink. I was wondering how I can get someone or write to my senator or mayor or whoever is in charge to pass a law requiring smokers to only be able to smoke in public in a special designated area so anyone who doesnt want to suffer can have clean air to breathe and not be forced to risk cancer from second hand smoke. Its getting ridiculous. Either they should do this or RAISE THE CIGARETTE TAXES HIGHER. They should raise it as high as possible to 100 dollars per pack. Maybe then idiots will think twice about starting smoking and that will really help prevent teens from starting to smoke. If teens cant afford to start smoking, maybe less of them will start. Do you want more teens to start smoking? I didnt think so! New York city is one of the only few places that is moving in the right direction but too many people still smoking. Good. If you dont agree, you have no idea how dangerous and detrimental cigarettes are to them and anyone else anywhere near them. What do they do if they cant afford it? THEY DONT BUY IT. If a store raised their prices to extreme unfair high prices, guess what will happen? They LOSE customers for wahtever product it is. A deadly (suicidal) product at that. Walmart did the opposite and look how many people go there.How can I get this law passed so decent people can walk outside in public and have decent air to breathe and not risk getting cancer?
A: I agree with you, myself not a smoker. But what could I do, people who smoke even more from us. and they do not want to know the dangers of secondhand smoke on others. :(Have fun 🙂
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