What is a disease you could die from

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Addison’s disease develops when the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys. If left un treated it can kill you. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-disease-you-could-die-from ]
More Answers to “What is a disease you could die from
Did Abraham Lincoln’s wife die of venereal disease
Mary Todd Lincoln died in 1882, a victim of paralysis, and was buried next to Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois.ChaCha.
What disease did bob marley die from?
Jamaican and reggae legend, Bob Marley, suffered from acral lentiginous melanoma, which is a form of malignant melanoma. He died at the age of 36 on May 11th, 1981.
How many people die from heart disease?
In the year 2005 there were approximately 450,000 deaths caused by heart disease, in the United States alone. heart disease is globally the number one killer.

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How much would you pay to have your genes altered so that you didn’t age?
Q: Keep in mind you can still die from being shot or being hit by a bus. Your body just stops aging. If you are old than your body would be able to return to the state of about a 25 year old. Would you pay every last penny you had? What would you do with your extra time on earth?*also, in this fantasy world of mine… governments have imposed restrictions of how many kids a couple can have and remember that people would still die. They could die from disease, they could die from starvation, but they would no longer die from aging.
A: aging shouldnt be stopped. its a gift really. when you age you get to live your life to the fullest and have a sense of accomplishment of surviving it. you get to see the times change and have children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. you get to grow old with your lover and have 60th anniversaries. if you never die from aging you will never know what happens next. and that’s just like reading a book with the last chapters ripped out. its useless. i wouldnt pay a cent. i would die.
Do allergy sufferers realize that they could die or become paralyzed from the H1N1 vaccine?
Q: http://www.examiner.com/x-6478-NY-Page-One-Examiner~y2009m7d31-Swine-Flu-Mandate-US-Government-puts-states-on-noticeThis is no crazy conspiracy theory. The reason why people suffer from so many allergies, autoimmune disorders, autism, add, adhd, ALS, Guillian Barre, and other neurological diseases like Alzheimers is because of the vaccines that they are being given. All of these diseases increased with the increase in vaccines. Vaccines tamper with our immune systems in very dangerous ways. Please people do some research before you stick out your arm and speak up before this thing becomes mandatory. Is this America or a medical police state? How many more of your children need to go autistic? How many more grandparents do we need to watch die from Alzheimers? Children and old people get the most vaccines, and I don’t care what they say on the TV, it is a fact that autism, ADD, ADHD, and Alzheimers all increased in direct proportion to the amount of vaccines given. People who already have autoimmune or allergy disorders could easily die from these shots. If you yourself are so worried about catching this flu then you are free to roll up your sleeve, but if they try to enforce this dangerous vaccine at gunpoint then this is wrong!Danya you may be naiveDo you people not realize that if vaccines become mandatory and the way that they enforce it is too take away your drivers license, job, etc. or threaten to quarantine you, then that technically is at the point of a gun. Children are sent to school at gunpoint because if they don’t go, then they or their parents are abducted and put in a cage (jail)
A: No, people don’t take time to learn this stuff unless they or their children get ill, and the doctors don’t help them get well. Then they come to the Internet, looking for answers, and not only learn how to get well, but learn things such as what you mention. But, until people actually get ill, they will not believe it. People believe what they want to believe. Who can blame them. My mother was a nurse, and she would say all kinds of bad things about medicine and such. I never believed her until my family got ill. You have to experience it yourself before such things are believable. When I got very ill at age 15 from a vaccine, I still didn’t believe it was from a vaccine. It took my children getting ill before I would believe it. Now, I am a believer.
my step-sister is going to die from a illness/disease?
Q: ok, my step-sister has this illness/disease (because i dont know), and i only know what it does to her. i need to know the NAME of it…ok, the thing she has is that her body ages before its age, when she is young, she could look like she was a teenager, and i know that you can die young because of it, and they havent found a cure… does anyone know what the name of it is?! i’d ask her…but my biological dad’s side of the family was cut off from me… but i cant, and i REALLY want to knowanything else other then progeria? that could be similar?
A: It does sound like progeriaThere are pictures and stories from other kids with progeria here:http://www.progeriaresearch.org/meet_the_kids.htmlRobin Williams was in a movie, 10 years or so ago, about a kid with a progeria-like illness. The movie was “Jack.” Robin Williams played the kid, who was adult-size when he started school, and elderly at high school graduation.The movie is not true to life — most kids with progeria don’t grow to adultsize, they just stay small and get older looking. Their bodies also develop diseases that older people get, like arthritis, and hardening of the arteries.But the movie did try to be true to the emotions of a kid being different, and how it affected his family and friends.I hope you can enjoy your step-sister’s friendship for as long as you have.
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