What is Crumb’s Disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is Crumb’s Disease”,you can compare them.

Do you mean Crohn’s disease? It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which involves ongoing (chronic) inflammation MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-crumb%27s-disease ]
More Answers to “What is Crumb’s Disease
What is crumbs disease?
Nothing,crumbs is used on bakery’s . Chrohns disease is a form of a inflammatory bowel disease which involves chronic inflamation of the gastrointestinal tract.May occur anywhere from yhe mouth to the end of the rectum.It’s linked to a prob…

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Tick Bite?!?!?
Q: Hello. Today I woke up this morning and I noticed this rocky like stuff behind my ear. It did not seem attached, but it seemed to have been pressed into my skin, obviously from sleeping on it, and so it stuck. I got a tissue and gently rubbed it off, which caused no harm. I examined the rocky stuff, (yes it feels like rock) and it looked in no means like a bug, just a hard pebble and a few ‘crumbs’ from the rock. When I looked at my ear, though, it showed that there was a red mark on my ear. I’m curious if it could be a tick bite, cuz it looks like one. I am planning to call the docter later on, so no worries, but if it evolves into a target marking = Lyme Disease! So, my questions are:1.What could this rocky stuff be?2.What is that bite mark? (It looks like one. A LOT.)3. What should I do, besides call a docter?P.S. I found this hard substance in my hair, too. Don’t worry; I removed it already.Thank You!!!Oh, and I am not thinking that that rocky substance was a tick. I was lying down yesturday in the grass, also went to White Memorial 2 days ago (tall grass, they advise you of ticks) I was not lying down at White M. though. But I was lying down after. So… could it be a tick bite from White M. and gravel or something covering it up? I’m so confused. :^(
A: If it was a tick, it would be squirming in your fingers after you took it off. If it wasn’t, I honestly have no idea what it could be. Tick bites itch horribly. I had one that itched for a solid two months. Lime’s Disease is only one tick related malady. The other one is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Good for you for calling the doctor. Sorry, I don’t have anything useful. Good luck, though! 🙂
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