What is finger clubbing

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is finger clubbing”,you can compare them.

Finger clubbing is a deformity of the fingers & fingernails associated with a number of diseases, mostly of the heart & lungs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-finger-clubbing ]
More Answers to “What is finger clubbing
What is Finger clubbing?
Finger clubbing: The proliferation of soft tissue around the ends of fingers and toes.
Is there any procedure that can reverse or at least help with fin…?
There is no specific treatment available. In general, elimination or improvement in the associated condition is associated with a decrease in the degree of clubbing. Reversible in cystic fibrosis patients who undergo lung transplantation. R…
Are the physical effects of finger clubbing reversible?
They may be. If the person’s lungs recover fully, then the clubbing could improve and even reverse. However, if certain underlying conditions remain, the clubbing would probably stay the same. Also, when a person has had clubbing for a long…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

are the physical effects of finger clubbing reversible?
Q: can this be reversed if the person say stops smoking and have their lungs return to some kind of “normality” what else causes clubbing and how could you find out, thanks.
A: They may be. If the person’s lungs recover fully, then the clubbing could improve and even reverse. However, if certain underlying conditions remain, the clubbing would probably stay the same. Also, when a person has had clubbing for a long time, the changes can become permanent. Other causes of clubbing:Lung diseasesHeart diseaseCertain digestive system diseasesCertain skin conditionsCertain cancersOccasionally, pregnancy
What is the most uncommon cause of clubbing of finger nails?
A: Congenital clubbing of finger nails, normally put as a short case in Membership examination, good question.
What health problem do you have if your toes and fingers are clubbing? ?
Q: I was being examined by my doctor and he looked at my fingers and toes and said there is a little bit of clubbing.
A: Number one cause of clubbing is lack of oxygen or increased levels of carbon dioxide. Usually its seen in people who have been smokers for many years. The diseases I’ve seen that people have the most problems with nail clubbing is Emphysema and/or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ie (COPD).
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