What is Lactolose for

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Lactulose is for the prevention and treatment of portal-systemic encephalopathy, which is a liver disease. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-lactolose-for ]
More Answers to “What is Lactolose for
What is the lactolose breath hydrogen test?
Lactulose Breath Hydrogen Test will help your child’s doctor know if your child has small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I would like to know what her sprung disease is.?
Q: my 18 month old son suffers with constipation,he has been having problems since he was 8 weeks old. he has a good diet plenty of fluids,fruit, and veg, prunes raisains nothing helps. My GP prescribed lactolose, this does not help. I have to give him suppositories for him to open his bowels, which long term is not good for him. someone told me that he might have her sprung disease. I would like to know what this is.
A: Hirschsprung’s disease is a congenital absence of autonomic ganglia in the smooth muscle wall of the colon, which causes poor or absent peristalsis in the portion of the colon involved. It results in the accumulation of feces in the bowel (megacolon). The symptoms include intermittent vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. There may be severe abdominal distention. This condition is usually diagnosed in infancy. Ask your son’s pediatrician (NOT a general practitioner) about it. I’m hoping your son has chronic constipation rather than Hirschsprung’s. He/she may wish to prescribe docusate, a stool softener. If it’s severe constipation, your child may need a stool softener instead of more fiber (Lactulose, Miralax, prunes, etc.) Although docusate is sold OTC (Colace for example), it’s wiser to consult with your pediatrician first. Please do not prescribe by yourself. Your son may even have a partial bowel obstruction. And why is YOUR general practitioner prescribing for your son???
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Q: lactolose 30cc Bid for what
A: Constipation
childhood constipation?
Q: i have a 6 year old girl who suffers severe constipation. Over the last few months she will only pass motion once a week by way of us issueing microlax enemas. She has a good diet and drinks plenty of water. We have tried lactolose daily, movolat and all sorts of supposetry.Ever since potty training, pooing has been an issue that is getting worse.She gets to the point of feeling sick and hot as if she will pass out as she is so impacted.I dont know what else to do to help her and feel desperate for her to have a normal life.I would greatly appreciate anyone with any medical knowlege or similar stories with possible solutions that they have found.Sensible answers only please. Many thanks
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