What is number one sexual disease in America

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Chlamydia is the most common STD, and luckily is cureable. It infects the cervix in women, and the penile urethra in men. The reason chlamydia is so common is that most people who get chlamydia don’t have symptoms for weeks, months, or even years. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-number-one-sexual-disease-in-america ]
More Answers to “What is number one sexual disease in America
What is number one sexual disease in America
Chlamydia is the most common STD, and luckily is cureable. It infects the cervix in women, and the penile urethra in men. The reason chlamydia is so common is that most people who get chlamydia don’t have symptoms for weeks, months, or even…

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Why is no one willing to face the moral decay of society head on ?
Q: Isn’t it amazing that while everyone admits that there is a moral decay in American society, no one is will to look at the cause.We say people are more violent, ruder, and children are being exposed to sex too young.But can’t it be easily argued that these things are a result of the “deliberate” rejection of the religious values that have upheld america and europe for many years.I mean seriously, what else can we say is the cause. Magic ? Politicians ? stardust ? martians ?People say that things like “thou shall not kill” are obvious rules that anybody should know, and therefore religion isn’t needed.But by that same vein, is it not sensible to argue that everyone should know, that sexual promiscuity increases your risk of getting a “sexually” transmitted disease, as well as an unwanted pregnancy ? There was a big surge in STD rates after the “sexual revolution” yet some people still refuse to admit that, the sexual revolution was taken too far.( NOTE DESCLAIMER. do not confuse what I am saying, with “women’s lib. I am talking about, the desensitization of our society, with regards to the consiquences / importance of sex ).How can you honestly say that the high number of 9-14 year olds asking about sex on this site isn’t a direct result of a ‘sexual revolution’ gone bad.
A: People do not trust religion because it is hypocritical. After receiving the ten commandments including the “thou shalt not kill “one , the Israelites set off for the land of Canaan and slaughtered the locals with assistance from God so the Old Testament tells us. Fast forward to the 16th century and the inquisition and the church is killing non believers all over Europe. Or how about now when religious fanatics taking the words of their religious teachings literally are killing people in various parts of the world.
Non Feminists, what do you think about?
Q: this article statement about Feminist influence on society in the UK in regards to education, hetero-sexual relationships etc.”there is growing evidence that women are outstripping men intellectually. Sociologists and education specialists are bemoaning the continuing triumph of girls over boys at every level of the education system, leading to the inevitable question of whether the male gender is reaching the end of its natural usefulness.” “If, as is often observed, women do the lion’s share of the domestic duties in most homes, the question of whether they will continue to find men necessary becomes more pressing. A number of academics think that if you remove men’s higher earning power and their unique ability to father children, more women will inevitably choose to live with other women””Women are increasingly admitting to a willingness to experiment in sexual relationships with other women instead of men. Last year the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the number of adult women having lesbian sex had almost trebled, from 4% to 11.5%, in one decade. Researchers such as John Bancroft, the British-born former director of America’s Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, says surveys in Britain and Australia have produced similar findings to the CDC, but he argues that women’s sexuality is more fluid, and that bisexual tendencies may have little significance. “http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/men/article3040118.ece?Submitted=true
A: “There is growing evidence that women are outstripping men intellectually.”What evidence? There is plenty of evidence that men average higher IQ than women. If you’re talking about girls outstripping boys in this coursework-based system, you may have a point.”A number of academics think that if you remove men’s higher earning power and their unique ability to father children, more women will inevitably choose to live with other women”Going to be a bit hard to ‘remove’ don’t you think? And this not only insults men but women too. These ‘intellectuals’ assume that women need men only for money and children. The indirect implication is that women are so shallow as to choose a man only because he’s rich and is willing to have kids.All in all, I think most of these people get a kick out of belittling men and making them feel sorry for being male, and most immature women enjoy reading this stuff and feeling superior. God knows which feminists are paying these people off, but you can tell from the face of it that this isn’t really genuine.I can easily write an article on the female having outlived her usefulness. This could be sample wording:”If you remove women’s power to do domestic chores and their unique ability to mother children,…”No doubt my house will be stoned by feminists the next day because I accused women of being useful only for 2 things. Why is nobody doing the same to these ‘intellectuals’?
Why is no one willing to face the moral decay of society head on ?
Q: Isn’t it amazing that while everyone admits that there is a moral decay in American society, no one is will to look at the cause.We say people are more violent, ruder, and children are being exposed to sex too young.But can’t it be easily argued that these things are a result of the “deliberate” rejection of the religious values that have upheld america and europe for many years.I mean seriously, what else can we say is the cause. Magic ? Politicians ? stardust ? martians ?People say that things like “thou shall not kill” are obvious rules that anybody should know, and therefore religion isn’t needed.But by that same vein, is it not sensible to argue that everyone should know, that sexual promiscuity increases your risk of getting a “sexually” transmitted disease, as well as an unwanted pregnancy ?There was a big surge in STD rates after the “sexual revolution” yet some people still refuse to admit that, the sexual revolution was taken too far.( NOTE DESCLAIMER. do not confuse what I am saying, with “women’s lib. I am talking about, the desensitization of our society, with regards to the consiquences / importance of sex ).How can you honestly say that the high number of 9-14 year olds asking about sex on this site isn’t a direct result of a ‘sexual revolution’ gone bad.Yes there has been oppression by the religious, but don’t you think that we are going from one extreme to the othere ?After all, there is a difference between simple showing women that they don’t have to be stay at home mothere’s….as opposed t o telling women that they should be just as sexually promiscuous as men.Two wrongs don’t make a right.In the same way, there is a difference between “not” burning or beating up gay people.. …..as opposed to actually allowing them to adpot children… which is I think, an injustice to the child.don’t people see how wrong it is to take a child and subject him / her to such a confusing lifestyle.
A: well said.That’s what happens when people compromise the word of our God almighty
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