What is pnemona

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Pneumonia is a lung infection. You may cough, run a fever, and have a hard time breathing. It often clears up in 2 to 3 weeks, but older adults, babies, and people with other diseases can become very ill. They may need to be in the hospital.ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-pnemona ]
More Answers to “What is pnemona
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs which can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi infections. Some symptoms include coughing, fever and difficulty breathing.
Pneumonia (nu-MO-ne-ah) is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many small germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia.
Pneumonia is an infection and inflammation of the lungs.

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Q: I had a cramp in my shoulder and back since last Thrusday and when i woke up this morning I actually feel like i might have strep throat. Do you think these things could be related? I am a little nervous only because my friends dad just died of pnemona and i dont want to have that.
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plz 10 points for best answer thank you?
Q: Ok i went to the hospital with chest pain and lots of plem in my lungs well they told me i have acute bronchitis and the doctor listened to lungs and said it was good because they were clear but i want to know how do i have bronchitis if i am not coughing? and i am on z pak for it and i took the thrid pill today.How long does it take for this to go away? And what are my chances of getting pnemona with this i am so scared i will get ponemona but i am spitting everything out and i havent ran a fever plz help
A: DOnt worry about pnemonia. I have a friend who gets bronchitis all the time and it doesnt lead into anything else. and coughing is not neccesarily a symptom of bronchitis all the time. Zpak…it can be up to 4 days before u see improvemt. In the meantime, I would start taking some echinecea and goldenseal root (golden seal is bitter, so mix take in it a tincture , put 30 drops in tea and ad honey). The echineacea is a natural antibiotic (as is goldenseal), but what makes it unique it that it helps your body build its on defense and new white blood cells while fighting the infectiong. try getting a probitic as well to help replenish the good bacteria that the z pak killed off
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