What is the definition of Podiatrist

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Definition of podiatrist is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases …MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-definition-of-podiatrist ]
More Answers to “What is the definition of Podiatrist
What is the definition of Podiatrist
Definition of podiatrist is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases …MORE?
What is a podiatrist?
A podiatrist is a doctor for feet. They study the anatomy of the foot, your walking patter, diseases such as corns and gout and calluses. They also correct problems with bone structure and foot pain.
What can a podiatrist do?
Your podiatrist can recommend exercises, orthoses (special devices inserted into shoes), shoe alterations or night splints (which hold toes straight over night) which may slow the progression of bunions in children. According to Trevor Prio…

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Pinched nerve in foot. Do I need podiatrist or neurologist?
Q: My normal doctor referred me to a podiatrist, who diagnosed me with a pinched nerve in my foot. He is going to try a cortisone shot first, and then said it may need surgery to deaden the nerve, which he said he can do.But when looking up the actual definition of a “podiatrist” online, I guess they aren’t “full” medical doctors (M.D.), just lots of training, I’m guessing like an Optometrist compared to an Opthamologist.This sounds a bit scary, and since he will be doing actual surgery on my nerve, would it be better to see a Neurologist (or ?) instead? I like the Podiatrist and he seems competent, but in my mind, a full “M.D.” such as a neurologist would have more training and expertise.Does anyone know or have experience with this? What would you recommend. I have an HMO, so it’s not the easiest to get a referral but I should be able to if I think it’s warranted.
A: Although podiatrists are, indeed, medically trained in a speciality (e.g., disorders of the foot/ankle, etc), were I in your position, I would get myself (and my foot) to a neurosurgeon/neurologist pronto.
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