What is the disease called Goiter

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Goiter is an enlargement of your thyroid gland. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-called-goiter ]
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What is the disease called Goiter
Goiter is an enlargement of your thyroid gland.

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Q: I have a bio test on this stuff in 2 days and would like an answer key to help me study from, all I need is your help! Please? Thanks!1. All organic compunds containa) sulfurb) nitrogenc) carbond) phosphorus2. Which one of the following biochemical groups is not considered organic?a) carbohydratesb) lipidsc) proteinsd) minerals3. Which of the following biochemicals would be used as a first source of energy by the body?a) fatsb) carbohydratesc) musclesd) glucose4. Polysaccharides (such as starch, gycogen, and cellulose) are long chain polymers ofa) fructoseb) sucrosec) amylased) glucose5. Excess simple sugars in our bodies are stored in the liver in the form ofa) glycogenb) startchc) glucosed) fat6. __________ aids in the retention of water by the large intestine, prevents constipation, and reduces the likelihood of colon cancer.a) vitamin Kb) fiberc) cholesterold) sulfur7. Lipid molecules with single bonds and the maximum number of hydrogen atoms present are called:a) vegetable fatsb) unsaturated fatty acidsc) saturated fatty acudsd) none of the above8. Which of the following is not a lipid?a) cholesterolb) glycogenc) waxd) oils9. Triglycerides, steroids and cholesterol are alla) carbohydratesb) proteinsc) lipidsd) vitamins10. Cell membranes are made up of:a) sugars and proteinsb) carbohydrates and fatsc) lipids and proteinsd) startch and fats11. There are 10 amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be obtained in the diet. These are called __________ amino acids.a) essentialb) non-essentialc) complexd) simple12. A strict vegetarian diet is dangerous because:a) it doesn’t provide enough caloriesb) it doesn’t provide enough fatc) it doesn’t provide the necessary essential amino acidsd) it doesn’t provide enough vitamins and minerals13. Which of the substances below is not a protein?a) sucraseb) pepsinc) gastrind) lactose14. Match the following molecules with their digestive end-products: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids,a) amino acids, glucose molecules, glycerol and fatty acids, nucleotidesb) glucose molecules, glycerol and fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotidesc) glycerol and fatty acids, glucose molecules, nucleotides, amino acidsd) nucleotides, glycerol and fatty acids, glucose molecules, amino acids15. What is the function of many water soluble vitamins?a) subsitute for amino acidsb) functions as enzymesc) functions as coenzymesd) substitute for minerals16. Bacertia in the large intestine of humans are the chief source of vitamin:a) Kb) Cc) Bd) A17. __________ is the beauty vitamin. Dry, itchy skin and poor night vision are two symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin.a) Ab) Bc) Cd) D18. Which of the following minerals is a structural component of teeth and bones?a) iodineb) calciumc) sodiumd) sulfur19. _______ is an infancy and childhood disease characterized by the bowing of the legs that is the result of a Vitamin D deficiency.a) Goitreb) Ricketsc) Scurvyd) Anemia20. The following obersvations were obtained when 2 unknown food samples were subjected to 4 different tests.FOOD TEST SAMPLE X SAMPLE YBiuret Test violet light blueIodine Test red-orange blackBenedict’s Test orange yellowSudan IV Test Sudan IV dissolved Sudan IV dissolvedThe similarity between food samples X and Y is that botha) contain sugarb) contain starchc) lack proteind) do not contain lipids21. When Benedict’s solution is added to a foodstuff and heated, the presence of yellowish-orange precipitate indicates that the foodstuff contains:a) starchesb) reducing sugarsc) proteinsd) lipids22. Use the following information to answer the question below.Beans Milk Bread OatmealBenedict’s Test – – + -Sudan IV Dye + + – -Iodine Test + – + -Biuret Test + + – +Key: positive test = +negative test = -A reducing sugar may be found ina) beans, oatmeal, and breadb) milkc) breadd) oatmeal and bread23. When egg white was tested for the presence of a protein, a deep purple solution formed. The indicator added to the egg solution wasa) Sudan IVb) Iodinec) Biuret Reagentd) Benedict’s Solution24. A positive transluscence test will confirm that a _________ was being tested.a) carbohydrateb) proteinc) lipidd) vitamin
A: cdabdbaccdbThere I did half!
Nutrition in the Digestive System?
Q: I would appreciate help with these 25 multiple choice questions, best answer given! Please I am really stuck, thanks…1. All organic compunds containa) sulfurb) nitrogenc) carbond) phosphorus2. Which one of the following biochemical groups is not considered organic?a) carbohydratesb) lipidsc) proteinsd) minerals3. Which of the following biochemicals would be used as a first source of energy by the body?a) fatsb) carbohydratesc) musclesd) glucose4. Polysaccharides (such as starch, gycogen, and cellulose) are long chain polymers ofa) fructoseb) sucrosec) amylased) glucose5. Excess simple sugars in our bodies are stored in the liver in the form ofa) glycogenb) startchc) glucosed) fat6. __________ aids in the retention of water by the large intestine, prevents constipation, and reduces the likelihood of colon cancer.a) vitamin Kb) fiberc) cholesterold) sulfur7. Lipid molecules with single bonds and the maximum number of hydrogen atoms present are called:a) vegetable fatsb) unsaturated fatty acidsc) saturated fatty acudsd) none of the above8. Which of the following is not a lipid?a) cholesterolb) glycogenc) waxd) oils9. Triglycerides, steroids and cholesterol are alla) carbohydratesb) proteinsc) lipidsd) vitamins10. Cell membranes are made up of:a) sugars and proteinsb) carbohydrates and fatsc) lipids and proteinsd) startch and fats11. There are 10 amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be obtained in the diet. These are called __________ amino acids.a) essentialb) non-essentialc) complexd) simple12. A strict vegetarian diet is dangerous because:a) it doesn’t provide enough caloriesb) it doesn’t provide enough fatc) it doesn’t provide the necessary essential amino acidsd) it doesn’t provide enough vitamins and minerals13. Which of the substances below is not a protein?a) sucraseb) pepsinc) gastrind) lactose14. Match the following molecules with their digestive end-products: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids,a) amino acids, glucose molecules, glycerol and fatty acids, nucleotidesb) glucose molecules, glycerol and fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotidesc) glycerol and fatty acids, glucose molecules, nucleotides, amino acidsd) nucleotides, glycerol and fatty acids, glucose molecules, amino acids15. What is the function of many water soluble vitamins?a) subsitute for amino acidsb) functions as enzymesc) functions as coenzymesd) substitute for minerals16. Bacertia in the large intestine of humans are the chief source of vitamin:a) Kb) Cc) Bd) A17. __________ is the beauty vitamin. Dry, itchy skin and poor night vision are two symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin.a) Ab) Bc) Cd) D18. Which of the following minerals is a structural component of teeth and bones?a) iodineb) calciumc) sodiumd) sulfur19. _______ is an infancy and childhood disease characterized by the bowing of the legs that is the result of a Vitamin D deficiency.a) Goitreb) Ricketsc) Scurvyd) Anemia20. The mineral _______ is added to water to strengthen teeth. It is also found in toothpaste.a) calciumb) phosphorusc) iodined) fluorine21. The following obersvations were obtained when 2 unknown food samples were subjected to 4 different tests. FOOD TEST SAMPLE X SAMPLE Y Biuret Test violet light blue Iodine Test red-orange black Benedict’s Test orange yellow Sudan IV Test Sudan IV dissolved Sudan IV dissolvedThe similarity between food samples X and Y is that botha) contain sugarb) contain starchc) lack proteind) do not contain lipids22. When Benedict’s solution is added to a foodstuff and heated, the presence of yellowish-orange precipitate indicates that the foodstuff contains:a) starchesb) reducing sugarsc) proteinsd) lipids23. Use the following information to answer the question below. Beans Milk Bread OatmealBenedict’s Test – – + -Sudan IV Dye + + – -Iodine Test + – + -Biuret Test + + – +Key: positive test = + negative test = -A reducing sugar may be found ina) beans, oatmeal, and breadb) milkc) breadd) oatmeal and bread24. When egg white was tested for the presence of a protein, a deep purple solution formed. The indicator added to the egg solution wasa) Sudan IVb) Iodinec) Biuret Reagentd) Benedict’s Solution25. A positive transluscence test will confirm that a _________ was being t
A: the first one is carbonyou should just search these questions on answers.yahoo.comthey’re there.
Hypothyroid and surgery?
Q: I am scheduled to have a thyroidectomy in October. However, I am having second thoughts. For the past month or so, my thyroid seems to have normalized and I feel better and have more energy, I feel more like myself. I also have a goiter which kept swelling and affecting my breathing, but now it seems to be decreasing. I also have Hashimotos disease, which my antibodies have not been checked in several months so I’m unsure if the levels have decreased. I just want to make sure surgery is the right direction for me. I’m feeling so much better and I’m afraid after the surgery I might feel worse again, like I have felt for so many years.What is your honest opinion on the next step I should take? Should I wait it out for a few more months and see if things keep improving? or should I go ahead and have the surgery?I am planning on calling my doctor tomorrow to see what his opinion is. Basically he told me at my last visit that it was up to me.I’m already on synthroid and have been taking it since I was 13. Even after the surgery I will have to take synthroid.I’m already on synthroid and have been taking it since I was 13. Even after the surgery I will have to take synthroid.
A: I had a partial thyroidectomy about 10 years ago. Make sure you have your levels checked prior. It sounds as though your doctor is treating you with medication to see if the nodules decrease in size, which is a good sign. It usually takes about 3 months for the current dosage to come into full effect. Make sure you are taking it regularly! I would wait to see how your levels have improved. Make sure the doctor is ordering the most extensive blood work. Before I was treated for hypothyroidism and hashimotos disease, the first basic round of blood work can back that I was border line. Years later when my goiter developed, the same doctor finally listened to me and did the most extensive blood work up and one of the levels needed to be at a 2 or below, I was at 814! I then went to a wonderful endocrinologist. He treated me with medication, did biopsies and then the partial removal. The biggest recovery to get over was how sore the BACK of my neck was afterwards, most likely from being extended back during surgery. You cannot even see the scar on my neck.Good luck!
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