What is the longest english word and meaning

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The longest word in any English dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a lung disease from volcanic dust. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-longest-english-word-and-meaning ]
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What is the longest word in the english language? And what does it mean?
Q: Longest word in the english dictionary and what does the longest word mean
A: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis meaning a lung disease caused by breathing ultramicroscopic particles of volcanic silica. This word has never been used; it was artificially contrived to be the longest word in the English language. 43 letters if I counted correctly.The second longest is with 28 letters, “antidisestablishmentarianism” might be the best-known long word in English. It is a rare British term meaning “opposition to removing the tie between the Church of England and the state.”
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Q: My English teacher requested that as part of our practise in spelling longer words and being more able with them, we should find the longest word we can, learn to spell it off by heart and state its meaning. I know a whole bunch of people are gonna say supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, but that isn’t it – it’s only 34 letters long (common lack of knowledge or something, huh?). Neither is antidisestablishmentarianism – 28 letters. The longest I know is hippopotomonstrosisquippedaliophobia (fear of long words, oh the irony), which is 36 letters. Can someone tell me some words longer than those?
A: The longest word that is found in a major dictionary, that is not a technical word, a place name or an artificially contrived name deliberately made unnecessarily long just to be longest is antidisestablishmentarianismMethionyl-threonyl-threonyl… isoleucine (189,819 letter name for titin) and Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism are are both longer, but they’re technical words, and that’s not usually what you mean. Pneumonoultra microscopicsilico volcanoconiosis (45) (broken up so that it will all print) is the longest word ever to appear in an English language dictionary, but it’s also a technical name. This 45-letter, 19-syllable word is an obscure term and an artificial word for a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust found in volcanoes.Antihypersyllabic- sesquipedalianistic (broken up so that it will all print) and floccinaucinihili- pilification (broken up so that it will all print) are artificially long and knowingly redundannt.Hippopotomonstrosesquip -pedaliophobia (36), often said to mean a fear of big words, is not in the dictionary, and is already represented by sesquipedalophobia [sesquipedalian + -phobia].Taumatawhakata-ngihangakoauauota- mateapokaiwh- enuakitanatahu is a place nameSo, if you want a technical or place name or an artificial word, there are longer ones, but for an ordinary word that is actually used, it’s antidisestablishmentarianism.
What is the longest english word and what does it mean?
A: Pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest one in the ditionary. it means a lung disease caused by silica dust, which can be found by volcanoes.
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