What is the name of an Asian disease

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Malaria is the most common Asian Disease. A couple more are: Asian Bird Flu, Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis and Yellow Fever. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-name-of-an-asian-disease ]
More Answers to “What is the name of an Asian disease
What is the name of an Asian disease
Malaria is the most common Asian Disease. A couple more are: Asian Bird Flu, Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis and Yellow Fever. ChaCha!
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A: Possibly…”Infection”http://asian-horror.benitronic.com/asian-horror-movies/infection.html
Does anyone know the name of this Asian film?!?
Q: Alrighty, so I was browsing through a few Asian movies on mysoju when I started to remember this movie I watched before, but couldn’t finish it because the video link or something was broken. In the movie, the beginning starts with this little girl that wears a yellow rain coat or jacket. She lives with…monks, I think, in a temple type place. She goes to school, tells all of the students that she’s got this disease or…something, and if they touch her, they could…die? Something like that! And there’s a little boy who decides to be friends with her anyway, and somewhere in the beginning the girl loses her pet something-or-other and I think it’s a reptile. It starts raining, the little…creek? thing close to the road where they were walking gets filled with muddy water, but the little boy goes to find her pet something-or-other and gives it back to her! And then somewhere along the way in the movie, the boy goes to live in the same place as the girl (they are older now) and they are doing homework, she’s focused, and he tries to look down her shirt. He gets caught by the girl, but she thinks he’s trying to steal his answers from her homework. After that the video link is broken. So…anyone know what movie this is? I would LOVE to have a title so I could watch it! I really loved that movie, the beginning was so cute and adorable! Its an Asian film (can’t remember what language, but I’m sure its either Korean, Japanese, or Chinese) and NOT ANIME! I repeat, NOT ANIME!Please help!
A: Are you maybe talking about the Korean movie Love Phobia? They meet when they’re kids, and she’s wearing a yellow raincoat. http://www.mysoju.com/love-phobia/
Has anyone read the Kevin Trudeau books on curing disease and weight loss solutions?
Q: He talks about eating organic foods with no preservatives and how aspartame should have never gotten approved and how a tablespoon of coconut oil at breakfast and lunch will make your pants fall down in three days (from losing weight)…then he says that DMSO (an industrial solvent is fine to apply for pain). He talks about eating organic meat for breakfast, so that sounds similar to Adkins diet? No white bread or bread with honey or sugar (Is there such a recipe?).Does anyone know what the secret herbal cure for diabetes is that he claims the FDA will not allow him to mention that the Asian Diabetic Assoc says is a cure? The books are a lot of hype with not a lot of substance in my opinion. He says lupus and MS are not so much diseases as doctors putting a name on stuff that they can’t pinpoint a cause. What do you think about his books if you have looked at them?I saw him advertising for “free” the 2 curing disease books for shipping costs and it was $9.95 apiece for shipping the two books. I am reading it piecemeal from copies at the library and I would suggest to others to do that before buying the books as I do not see any obvious “cures” in them. There is generalized nutrition advice and general advice as to several potential causes to each of several diseases.I saw another YA question on this with some very interesting info about how he went to jail for 2 years for using people credit card numbers to enrich himself (besides buying his products) and how he is forbidden by the FDA in a 2004 agreement from hawking ANY product in an infomercial (but he ignores that agreement apparently)…here is the questionhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsSXUwP2LuA_ir.DHZ308_RIzKIX?qid=20070224120221AAMYWtIThanks VnP for the input on the 2 rating of his books on Amazon. I got the impression that there is a lot of loosely organized “health tips” and “weight loss tips” (like drinking 8 glasses of water) and no real substance to the claims of “disease cures”…also thanks for the information on the “diabetic cure” and the debunking information about the companies that make it , hiding the place where they make it and making it under different names against the FDA crackdown on them….
A: I haven’t looked at his books personally,but just from watching the infomercial is immediately came off as propaganda to me.He was metioning that the cure to obesity was used by many celebrities and a “Princess”,and that you can lose a pound a day.Losing a pound a day isn’t healthy.Maybe I should read it before i judge,but it’s hard to believe.If something sounds too good to be true,it usually isn’t true.Here is a review from Amazon(notice the average rating is only 2 stars):I purchased this book from a website which sells Kevin Trudeau’s books and other propaganda. Please don’t waste your money! While the beginning of the book does provide valuable information regarding the food industry, food additives, etc there are many other books written about those same subjects which don’t have another agenda – the almighty dollar! “Fast Food Nation” for instance offers a good look at many of these same subjects without operating under the guise of providing the reader with an answer to their weight loss/gain issues. Information for the sake of informing the reader is the objective of books such as “Fast Food Nation” while this piece of trash has the objective of making someone spend their hard earned dollars to buy a book which delivers nothing but ridiculous weight loss “plans” and common sense hints. For instance, in Phase 1 you are advised to do such common sense things such as drink water, walk, eat breakfast, eat dinner before 6 p.m., eat salads, stay away from artificial sweetners, limit carbonated drinks, no fast food, etc. If these things I mentioned are not common sense to you then perhaps you should move out of the cave you are living in and turn on the tv, read a book or wake up the hamster which runs in the wheel in your head so the power to your brain can be turned on again. Also in Phase 1, however you are encouraged to get colonics every other day, use a colon clense product (of which he provides the websites for purchasing), take tons of natural/herbal supplements (also providing websites for purchasing), sweat 20 minutes a day in an infrared sauna, get sun (hard to do during the winter in the Northeast, I assure you), get as many massages as possible, do as many yoga sessions as possible (in addition to walking 1 hour a day, doing mini-trampoline exercising 5-10 minutes 1 or 2 times a day), listen to de-stressing cds (also available to purchase), lift weights (on top of the other activities you should do), etc. WHOA! Not only would you have to be rich (I’m sure Kevin is with sales of books, products and all the credit card scams he ran in the 90s-do a google search) but have no job or family since you won’t have time for any of those things while doing your new full-time Kevin Trudeau weight loss “job”. I know, personally, that weight loss and gain are a constant struggle however spending your money making some slimeball rich because he says he has the answer is not the way to do it. Speak with your doctor and he or she will be able to give you some guidelines. Then do those common sense things mentioned earlier and you’ll be on your way. However, most important is to do your best and LOVE YOURSELF as you are. http://www.amazon.com/Weight-Loss-Cure-They-About/dp/097878510XNatural “cure” for diabetes:http://alternativehealthsecrets.com/Diabetes.htmI’m pretty sure the “cure” is a fraud:http://chinese-school.netfirms.com/reviews/diamaxol-scam.html
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