What is the suffix for a disease

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The suffix ‘-osis’ is used with diseases. Psychosis is an example, it means diseased mental condition. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-suffix-for-a-disease ]
More Answers to “What is the suffix for a disease
What is the prefix and the suffix that both mean disease??
pathy. ex: pathogen (disease causing agent) or neuropathy (disease of the nervous system)

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For a really Good Credit Guru…..(Linebarger/Blair/Sampson) for a debt that isn’t mine…PLEASE HELP!?
Q: This is the collector that compass bank turned an account that doesn’t belong to me to. My father, my grand father, and myself all have the same name, (different suffixes) so you can imagine the confusion that this causes, as i have several things on my report i have been fighting to get taken off for years.Heres the deal, the debt belongs to my grand father, he is in his last stages of alzthimers (sp?) disease and due to very little health insurance will be leaving some debts behind. He has done a lot for me in the past so i am going to help him.He doesnt know any account information, or anything like that because he can’t remember anything so that doesnt help.I am dealing with The law firm (bill collector) and i am paying this for him, but HOW DO I GET THIS OFF MY CREDIT?Do i just tell the guy handling this account with the firm that it’s not mine, about the different names, and see what he says?Has anyone ever had to go through this?***Will pick a best answer***
A: You should start first by disputing the accounts with all of the credit bureaus that this account is reporting to. You need a current credit report, and you can get a free one at annualcreditreport.com. You are entitled to one free credit report from each bureau per year.With your credit report in hand go through the report and highlight anything that is incorrectly reporting, or anything that is obsolete. These are the items that you should dispute. You should have an account number for this account and the name of the company or the collection agency.In your dispute you will write to the bureaus and tell them after receiving a recent credit report you found accounts (list and name them) that were reporting inaccurately.At the same time that you dispute the account with the credit bureaus you should dispute it with the collection agency, and state that you dispute the validity of the debt, and that the debt is not yours. In doing this you are giving them, along with the credit bureaus 30 days to provide you proof that the debt is yours (collection agency), and the credit bureaus will either verify the debt or delete it. In my opinion by you paying the debt with the collection agency you are claiming some responsibility of the debt. If it is reporting in your credit files it will show up as a paid collection, and at that point it will be very hard for you to get it removed from your files.I would deal with disputing it first, and once it is taken care of to your satisfaction then I would deal with being a good samaritan for your grandfather. You don’t want any payments connected to you and your credit files as a paid collection account.You can document the name error by providing them with a photo copy of your driver’s license, and photo copy of your birth certificate. In your dispute you should be saying that this account is not mine.You have to prove to the bureaus that you did not create this account. If it is your grandfathers account it should be reporting in his credit report also. In disputing you want the collection agency to validate the account. They should do this by producing a signature on the original application of the account, along with your ss#, and date of birth. A computer generated printout, or a document stating that they were assigned the account, is not validation. Photo copies of original documents is validation.With same name situations it is easy for an error to have been made, but it also takes having the correct ss#. If it is reporting in your files, and not your grandfather’s I would question why.Each one of you have different ss#’s and the inputting of credit information is based on name, ss#, and your date of birth. These are important identifiers with the credit bureaus.Good luck to you.
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