What makes you have body aches all over

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Overexertion is one of the more common reasons for total-body achiness. Viral infections , arthritis or other diseases could be responsible, in the absence of excessive activity, [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-you-have-body-aches-all-over ]
More Answers to “What makes you have body aches all over
What makes you have body aches all over
Overexertion is one of the more common reasons for total-body achiness. Viral infections , arthritis or other diseases could be responsible, in the absence of excessive activity,
Does depression make you just hurt or ache all over your body??
Depression makes you feel low and hopeless and makes you really tired and it takes all the Energy out of you and you feel like nothing will help.

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Q: ….Maxide (diurectic) for 3 days because I was retaining water. (very stupid won’t do it again). Now my whole body all over aches bad. What can I do quickly to get rid of these aches and rehydrate? Plain water isn’t helping. Thank you.
A: ! This drug is a thiazide diuretic and can dangerously deplete potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride and increase blood calcium levels. This can be quite serious and effect your heart beat as well as every system in your body! I recommend seeing a Dr. right away as calibrated, intravenous fluids may be necessary. I do not know why you have been prescribed this medication or what your health issues are so I cannot – in good faith – tell you to drink/eat a bunch of anything. PLEASE call or go to a Dr./ER/Urgent Care Center immediately! If you were healthy — no high blood pressure, kidney issues, diabetes, metabolic/endocrine problems or heart/lung disease, etc. you would not be on this drug. The type and amount of food and fluids a healthy person might ingest to rectify an electrolyte imbalance could cause you serious complications. If you experience chest pain, heart palpitations or rapid heart beat, light-headedness, severe weakness or leg cramping, drowsiness or restlessness or confusion call 911. Otherwise, call your Dr. or have somebody take you to be seen…TODAY!
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A: Well I would definitely recommend eating very lightly if you are going out tonight. Imodium is really good, but if Pepto works for you than that is alright too. Drink some water and take some Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the pain and pressure. Soak in a nice hot bath to ease your pain as well and make you feel better. I hope you have a good night and are feeling better soon.
How to writing interesting/ORIGINAL stories?
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A: Well, here’s what I did. I went through my head, and asked my self a BILLION hypothetical questions. After a ton stupid, I got a few good ones. I decided to write a novel based on these: “What would happen if we couldn’t have emotion?””What would happen if suicide rates became all highs?””What would the last person of one religion do to save it?””What happens if a religion conflicts itself, how do you decide on something?”With this, I created a simple plot, built upon it, and in a month I got an epic plot! :DSeriously, in your free time, HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION are your god.
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