What stuff around the house can you use to get rid of an STD

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Home treatment is never an appropriate treatment for a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Evaluation by a health professional is needed to rid of the disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-stuff-around-the-house-can-you-use-to-get-rid-of-an-std ]
More Answers to “What stuff around the house can you use to get rid of an STD
What stuff around the house can you use to get rid of an STD?
Home treatment is never an appropriate treatment for a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Evaluation by a health professional is needed to rid of the disease.

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this is a question about a relationship involving STD’s..its long but i REALLY need help!!!?
Q: ok..so there is this girl i’ll call (J), that i was friends with for a while since we were in the 6th grade. like about the end of last year i started to notice she started changing. it was all after she was hanging with this other girl i’ll call (D). she stopped hanging with me b/c i wasnt on getting high and drunk and messing around with alot of ppl. i just found out like 5 months ago that she has been talking about me and telling my business to her newer friends for a while..one of her newer friends is now my best friend i’ll call (C). she told me she’s been saying stuff about me for like a couple of years. i kno its tru because some of the stuff she says, i remember,so i dont trust her(J) anymore..but i’ve never said anything bad about her or done anything bad to her. now,the new friend that she’s always hanging with(D), and i just got into a sort-of physical fight( but keep in mind..im not the hoodrat type to fight for bullsh!t.umma female for goodness sakes, you kno??) but it was like she(J) was on her(D) side. and i’m like, that girl(D) talks about her(J) behind her back; when (J) and (D) get into arguements, (D) goes over (J’s) boyfriends house and gets high with him and does God only knows what else. (J) knows this. But still, she’s got (D’s) back b4 mine?? there’s more thats even deeper but i wont go into all of it. But this was the last straw. So while me and her friend (D) were fighting, (J’s) bf was watching me..he said he wanted to get with me and leave her…and im like..IDK..im not that type of person to talk to my friends dude. buuut…she has been betryaying me..and talking real bad about me behind my back…so is this karma??now me..i feel that sex is an important part in a relationship..he’s had sex with her..and i told him that right now..im celibate..but sometime i will want to have a sexual relationship..and me and him are a nice pair..i guess..so maybe i..kinda..would..have sex with him…BUT!!!! I DO KNO THAT THERE WAS A RUMOR GOING AROUND THAT SHE HAD HERPES B/C SHE HAD BUMPS ON HER LIPS AND ON HER GROIN AREA..SO IM LIKE…OOOOOOOOHH…IDK..idk if she does but i dont wanna risk it because u cant get rid of Herpes..but we’re a nice couple..i never touched him because i’m scarred of getting it…..so what do i do?? can u still catch it using a condom..if he has it?? and how do i tell him i think that she has herpes?? without seeming rude about it?? i still really care about her( no homo) and i dont want anyone to get hurt, even tho she hurt me….
A: Sorry to say this but I think this girl (J?) is probably friends with you because she wants the real dirt to report back to D and other friends with. I would cut the cord with this friend, if they are being nothing but a back stabbing betrayer. You don’t have to be friends with them if you don’t like what they changed into.Wait until your friend’s boy friend actually does leave her before you do any thing with him, or you will only make your situation worse. You can just talk to him as a friend for now, there is nothing to stop you from just talking to him.You have to find out if this rumor is true or not. Some people like to spread mean stuff like that for no reason, or for have nothing better to do to get their rocks off. Who knows maybe he didn’t get herpes or she never had herpes to begin with. There are ways to protect you from getting herpes. Never have sex when he has an out break and he should be on antiviral medication to help prevent out breaks and to help reduce shedding the virus onto you.Yes you can still get if you use condoms. Condoms don’t protect all areas of the genitals that herpes can affect.Tell him that you heard a rumor about her having herpes and ask him that you’re wondering if it’s true. If she does has herpes she has been hurt enough emotionally. You have a choice to be with him or not, if you can’t accept the risks that come with herpes then don’t jump into this relationship.
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