What’s a weird disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What’s a weird disease”,you can compare them.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome This syndrome is also known as Micropsia. Individuals appear to have a malfunction in the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what%27s-a-weird-disease ]
More Answers to “What’s a weird disease
What’s a weird disease
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome This syndrome is also known as Micropsia. Individuals appear to have a malfunction in the MORE?
What are some weird deseases?
Did michael jackson died of a weird disease called phalynginitis??
Michael Jackson did not live with a such thing weird disease.

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Q: Well we’re all bringing in these weird disease ideas for a pre med class and im wondering what’s the most interesting thing you know of?
A: Lazyitus: People who cant get off their backsides.
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Q: Something completely crazy but must be hereditary.
A: hemophilia. queen victoria gave it to all the rulers of europe.
I seem to have some weird sleeping habits… is it a disease? What’s causing it? [see details]?
Q: I seem to be having some trouble with my sleep…I go to sleep at 11 PM because that’s when I can finally fall asleep, and I wake up at 5 AM to get ready to go to school. (My school’s 1 1/2 hrs away, and it takes me an hour to get ready, 15 minutes to get to the train, 15 minutes to walk from the train to my school… figure 3 hours.)However, last night, something odd happened.All I remember is my step-father telling me to go back to sleep, and then laying down and going back to sleep. According to him, I had been sitting up in my bed, speaking in another language he did not recognize, with my eyes wide open, at about 3 AM. And he said it went on til about 3:30 AM.Mind you, I only know English and some Japanese, and he can recognize both languages, even Japanglish.So… uhh… what exactly’s going on with me?
A: Well, first thing you are going to bed at a decent time but perhaps nine or ten would be more suitable. That way you can recieve more hours of sleep. You springing up in your bed talking in another language could be considered as a form of sleep-walking. Nothing to be alarmed about. Sometimes our subconscious gets the best of it.But try going to sleep earlier and if this happens again then I would suggest to explore it further.
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