Whats is a std

Health related question in topics Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “Whats is a std”,you can compare them.

An STD is a Sexually Transmitted Disease. There are many different kinds. MORE? ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/whats-is-a-std ]
More Answers to “Whats is a std
What STD has the most information about it?
That sucks, I had to do that but only like 3 pages, I did Chlamydia, it had alotta info.
How do you get std?
You contract an STD by having sexual contact with an infected individual. Depending on the type of STD, there may be no symptoms readily noticeable. This is way safe sexual practices are always necessary.
Do I have a STD?
・ 1. It might not be and STD. (Pearly Penile Papules) see second link. But if you’ve had sex with 4 people … ・ 2. If it were Herpes, it would be a blister like chicken pox. ・ 3. A genital wart could be white, and can hurt. It can sometime…

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Q: Sorry may be a silly question. but many times i have read about man and STD together! is it sexual transmitted disease?
A: “man std” is a command in linux that will tell the computer to show you information about the S-T-D security tool. [1]
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Q: prevent viruses %100???
A: just go stds are fun!
Period, STD, whats going on ?
Q: I had sex just over a week ago and IMMEDIATELY my genital area started getting sore/itchy/uncomfortable inside and out…. It’s been like this since then! ….. Yesterday I felt a few VERY small bumps and thought they were bleeding, but it really just seems like it’s my period….. I’m bleeding a little more today and have been having bad cramps/feeling dizzy (my periods are NEVER like this), its not really due for like another week, but it’s usually irregular anyway ……. Any idea what’s going on with me ? How can it be an STD if I got it straight away ? Is it likely to catch an STD through receiving oral sex ?
A: Yes you can get an STD through oral sex. If the person you were with had Herpes Simplex 1(in his mouth) it can transfer to the STD version of it in you. You need to go to the doctor if you are sore/itchy. There’s a good chance you did get an STD. Also, if you are having bleeding, it ‘could’ be implantation bleeding for a pregnancy.
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