When is Heart Health Awareness month

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February is Heart Awareness Month. The month of February is dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and prevention. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-heart-health-awareness-month ]
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When is Heart Health Awareness month
February is Heart Awareness Month. The month of February is dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and prevention.

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Asalam w.do u know how fasting can actually improve your health?
Q: I read this article and it helped me learn what are the ways that fasting can improve someones health.Also on tv the sheik advises anyone with any health problem like high blood pressure ,diabetes,cholestrol to fast even during the fitr days . 1. Attitude About Juice Fasting: One key to juice fasting over water fasting is the ability to prevent ketosis (disrupted carbohydrate metabolism in response to chronic starvation) by continuously providing simple carbohydrates that are used by your body for energy and nutrition to the cells. Some individuals, however, believe that carb overload is the reason why Americans are fat. 2. Attitude about Skipping Meals: One study suggests that skipping a meal occasionally is not all that bad, especially if weight loss is a goal. However, be aware of changes in metabolic rate (see below). 3. Autonomic Nervous System: According to this article, fasting appears to have a normalizing effect on the overall tone of the autonomic nervous system. This normalization decreases possibilities for a number of issues ranging from digestive disturbances to anxiety disorders. 4. Awareness: Fasting can heighten awareness, depending upon the health of the individual, the goal for fasting and the ability to eliminate toxins from the system. 5. Back Pain: Back pains caused by muscular tightness and stress rather than from bone disease or osteoporosis may be alleviated with a lighter diet or juice fasting. 6. Bad Health Habits: In some people, fasting has helped break cravings for alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and some drug addictions. 7. Blood Pressure: Water fasting may correct your high blood pressure to a safe range within two weeks without drugs. This level of pressure can be maintained if the diet is changed rather than going back to old eating habits. This study was conducted in a controlled setting. 8. Cell Proliferation: This study, done on mice, showed that intermittent fasting slowed cell production, which also showed cancer development. Slowing down the rate of cell proliferation essentially buys time for the cells to repair genetic damage that may cause cancer. 9. Cholesterol: One study about a 30-day Muslim fast showed significant decrease in LDL (”bad” cholesterol), total serum cholesterol and serum triglycerides at the end of the fasting period. There also was a significant increase in “good” cholesterol (HDL) that showed at the end of the fast and continued to show for one month after the fast. 10. Chronic cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure: Fasting can reduce triglycerides, atheromas, total cholesterol and may increase HDL levels. 11. Energy Flow: Through this logic, fasting enables the body to slow down to the point where the individual can listen to the body through the mind. This ‘vital force’ is clouded when the body is filled with toxins. However, one study with flies showed that the value of diminished appetite to an animal’s survival may vary with the infecting microbe. 12. Fat Mobilization [PDF]: Fasting may move the body to mobilize fat stores from adipose tissue (the fat under your skin) to consume that fat as energy. Short fasts also may protect proteins in your body with the release of a growth hormone. 13. Heart Health: The day-long, once-a-month fast many Mormons undertake as a part of their faith may help explain the lower rates of coronary artery disease in this population, according to a study presented at the American Heart Assn.’s scientific sessions in Orlando, Florida, in 2007. 14. Homeostasis: Basically, your metabolic equilibrium, or ability to heal, could undergo a change during fasting. When fasting is employed as a therapeutic measure, it changes the playing field for disease and infection. This article quotes Louis Pasteur, “The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything” for an argument on why fasting can be used as a cure for injury or disease. 15. Insulin and Blood Sugars: A study from the National Institute on Aging found that skipping meals frequently can help mice maintain healthier glucose and insulin levels. The study provides insight into the possible effect of fasting on glucose metabolism. 16. Life Span: The point behind this list of articles and studies is that caloric reduction, overall, is one way to increase a life span. Lower metabolic rates, slower cell proliferation and less body fat that holds toxic matter all lead to a healthier life. This translates, for many people, into a longer life. 17. Lifestyle: If you want to change your life to feel healthier and more productive, this author believes that fasting provides the pivot for that change. 18. Mental Alertness: When toxins are removed from the lymphatic and blood systems, this change improves mental clarity. Eating less also results in energy conservation, which can be used by the brain for thinking tasks. 19. Metabolism: While many people believe that a fast metabolism is key to weight loss,ramadan kareemhttp://current.com/1ubgm4c
A: Ramadan Mubarak……..thanks for the info……….@ batman, it doesn’t need proving, medicine proves it ask doctors & they will say that too… it relaxes the stomach.actually fasting is in all religions, not only islam…. the other prophets did it, just the months or day was different….
helppp i know some of the answers but i just wanna be correct?
Q: Alcohol use changes your ability to respond to an emergency situation. a) true b) false The least dangerous aspect of multiple depressant use is the additive factor a) true b) false Hallucinogens are a type of drug that causes distortion of the drivers______. a) mood b) slows reaction time c) causes lack of coordination d) all of the above. 99.1% of all collisions are due to operator error. a) true b) false Defensive mechanisms such as denial and repression sabotage decisions to quit a) true b) false The positive aspects of stress are_______. a) flavor b) challenge c) opportunity d) all of the above Your driving privilege will be revoked at least____ years if you kill someone. a) four b) three c) two d) one The liver’s function is to______ all-toxic substances from the body. a) adversely b) remove c) keep the same Driving does not require a high degree of awareness in the driving environment. a) true b) false With the use/abuse of alcohol, the heart is more efficient in the use of nutrients by the heart tissue. a) true b) false To get licensed in Florida, you must meet the following requirements ______. a) have two forms of identification b) have a social security number c) stay in school d) none of the above e) all of the above Traffic laws are done with care of the driver in mind. a) true b) false Alcohol does not impair the primary function of the liver. a) true b) false _______self-esteem can be a factor for individuals who are dependent on alcohol or other drugs. a) low b) high c) both d) neither Abusers may have a_______sense of entitlement to using and denial of actual abuse. a) weak b) non-existent c) strong d) none of the above. For those disabled in an alcohol related collision society pays to support them for the rest of their lives through social security. a) true b) false Alcohol is an ineffective way to deal with the stress of everyday life a) true b) false Stimulants do not raise your bodies’ blood pressure, increase you breathing rate, increase your heart rate and raise your body temperature. a) true b) false Around construction sites the driver should be alert for construction workers and equipment. a) true b) false In the United States, one person is killed in an alcohol related collision every_______minutes a) 12 b) 22 c) 32 d) 42 Speeding is a factor in ______ of all fatal crashes in the United States. a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40% If a person refuses to submit to a chemical or physical test their driving privilege will be suspended for one year. a) true b) false General effects of crack use include burning of the ________. a) lips b) toung c) throat d) all of the above. For a ______ conviction of a DUI you could be imprisoned for not more than twelve months. a) first b) second c) third The onset of fatigue frequently coincides with the onset of_______. a) dayligt b) mid-day c) darkness When alcohol is consumed, the heart function is depressed and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is reduced. a) true b) false If the passenger is under 18 and not properly restrained, the will receive the citation and pay the fine and the court costs. a) passenger b) child’s parents c) driver d) all of the above. Society pays the costs of alcohol related collisions either directly through public assistance or indirectly through higher insurance and health costs. a) true b) false Without the lap belt, your body will simply pivot around the shoulder restraint and continue forward. a) true b) false Eating before drinking an alcoholic beverage slows down but does not prevent the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. a) true b) false Should a driver evaluate their state of mind before attempting the operation of a motor vehicle? a) no b) yes Traffic laws are instituted as safety mechanisms for motor vehicle operators. a) true b) false Driving is a dangerous business. a) true b) false Alcohol and other psychoactive drugs alter mood and affect the mind by interfering with the central nervous system’s signal system. a) true b) false Your DUI conviction affects all of the people in your life and all of those people who become part of your life as a result of your criminal activity. a) true b) false People who smoke cocaine are at risk for increased breathing problems like bronchitis and pneumonia due to irritation and inflammation of the tissues in your breathing tract. a) true b) false The amount of alcohol in a 1.5 oz. shot of 80 proof whiskey, a 5 oz. Glass of wine and a 12 oz. Beer are_______. a) different b)all the same c) can’t be measured Defensive mechanisms such as_______sabotage decisions to quit. a) denia
A: abcacabbaccabaababcabcccbaabccbaabccca
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