Why do my knees burn

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do my knees burn”,you can compare them.

Knees burning could be several problems such as: Vitamin B deficiency, arthritis, Lyme disease. Is there swelling in the knees? You may want to see a doctor to rule out anything. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-my-knees-burn ]
More Answers to “Why do my knees burn
My knees will frequently ache, burn, turn purple and sound crunch…?
See your health care provider as soon as possible. An inflamed knee is hardly a rare condition, but it’s a symptom, not a disease-and it can have many causes. Classic description of acute monoarticular (one-joint) arthritis. See your rheuma…
Why do my Knees burn for no reason?
what have you been doing? wink wink…no really though, it could be inflammation. Are they swollen or tender? Even walking more could cause this, among many other causes that seem so minute. Your age is a big factor in this diagnosis. C…
Why do my knees burn when i do squats?
Your burning fat and working muscle. No pain no gain.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do my knees burn when i do squats?
Q: I’m 15 years old and in good shape; i play sports year round and take Pilates classes . I’m 5’8 and weigh 140 pounds. Whenever I do squats at volleyball practice, my knees burn and hurt. The burn to the point where i have to stand up before anyone else. The squats don’t work my thighs and butt, but my knees. My knees only hurt when i bend down or do squats. They don’t hurt while running, biking or doing any other activity. Can someone please help me?
A: Your burning fat and working muscle. No pain no gain.
why do I burn on my upper knees when I get done excercising or getting out of the shower?
Q: its odd but whenever I get done excercising, my upper knees especially my right knee, burns, like it feels like it has fever in it…why?
A: Your concern is best address by an orthopedic dr. as that sounds like it could either be an arthritic knee problem or a muscle concern, for starters. I would mention that to one of those type of drs. and see if the type of excercise you are doing is aggrivating this instead of helping you get a work out.
why are my knees burning when going up stairs, walking backwards, and doing the stationary bike?
Q: does it have anything to do with my extremley tight kinetic chain/achilles tendonitis? my calves are especially tight. should i let my physical therapist know since it’s been going on for a few weeks?
A: yes be on the safe side.
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