Why is it important to excercise

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is it important to excercise”,you can compare them.

Exercise Helps Prevent Diseases, Improves Stamina, Strengthens and Tones, Enhances Flexibility, Controls Weight and improves quality of life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling younger [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-important-to-excercise ]
More Answers to “Why is it important to excercise
Why is it important to excercise
Exercise Helps Prevent Diseases, Improves Stamina, Strengthens and Tones, Enhances Flexibility, Controls Weight and improves quality of life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeli…
What are three reasons why excercise is important?
Here is a good website to help you out with this question. If you are unable to view, here is some of its contents: Reasons to exercise: 1. To stay strong for life . People who don’t excerise often, lose 30-40% of their strength by age 65…
Is it important to excercise everday or other day?
Yes it is important because if u lay on ur sofa and watch tv for a couple of hours u will have a lot ofcracksks and u might get paralized

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it important to stretch before excercise?
Q: I’m 18 years old and I don’t feel much of a diffirence if I do stretching before excercise or if I don’t. I do warm up, however I bypass the stretching component and go straight ahead to the main activity. Is this bad? And will this have an impact on the workout? Will I not be able to achieve the maximum fat burning and muscle focused potential possible? Thank you kindly for answering
A: Get the blood flowing and it is less likely for you to catch a cramp or damage a muscle.
A somewhat stupid question about dieting and water?
Q: is water really that important when trying to lose weight?like i rarely ever get thirsty, only when i excercise or when i first wake up. will that affect how long it will take me to lose weight?and if it is really important, why exactly?
A: I’m a nutritionist and water is essential when trying to lose weight. Why you ask?It will flush out stored fluids from not drinking enough water in the first place. If you don’t drink much water, any fluid you do get will be stored in the subcutaneous tissues, until you start to hydrate your body properly.It will help flush toxins from your body.It will help flush out the bowels, contributing to excess bowel content weight.It will help flush fat out of your cells.It will help transport certain nutrients around the body.The list goes on and on.If you don’t like plain water, try adding some squeezed orange or lemon into it. Black currant tea helps increase the metabolism and this is made on water.Our bodies are made up of 75% water, so we need to replace it. It is vial for weight loss.
Can anyone tell me the reason why you shouldn’t excercise 45 mins before…?
Q: Eating and until 1 hour after eating?Because i recently got some excercise equipment thats says,Remember: always excercise at least 45 mins before eating and don’t excercise until 1 hour after eating.I understand that excercising straight after eating could make you vomit but what are the other reasons and how important is it to stick to these guidelines?Thanks to anyone that answers seriously.
A: It really has nothing to do w/ the contents of what you eat. The point is that when you exercise your body diverts the blood to your heart and away from your other organs (stomach). If you eat w/ in that window of 45 min bf and 1 hour after you’ll get an upset stomach and could vomit.
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