Why is my head oddly shaped

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The head of a person could have an “odd” shape for several reasons including birth defect, head injury, tumors, disease etc. ChaCha has the answers! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-my-head-oddly-shaped ]
More Answers to “Why is my head oddly shaped
Why is my head oddly shaped
The head of a person could have an “odd” shape for several reasons including birth defect, head injury, tumors, disease etc. ChaCha has the answers!
Why is Stewie from Family Guys head so oddly shaped??
In one episode it showed Stewie right after he had been born and Peter was throwing him up in the air and Stewie’s head hit the roof and then looked like a football
Are there any remedies to fix a baby’s oddly shaped head?
Our son had the same problem. This is what our doctor recommended. When he is asleep (on his back), turn his head in the other direction. Also, put toys on the side that he does not look to often to encourage him to look that way. We switch…

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Average adult male head size (is mine small?)?
Q: I read different measurements everywhere, and have read a few times on here that the average it is 55 cm.. Mine is like 55.5 cm (22 inches), but it seems like everyone is 56 or 57 cm (I measured with my hair but tried to wrap it tightly so hair doesn’t give me extra cm. I am 5’9″ and think my looks ridiculously small, I also think large heads look better on people, and can not convince anyone else that my head is in fact smaller than average, but I know it is because I can not stop looking at myself in the mirror. You can see in my pictures under my profile, I think my head makes my body look like a sharpened pencil. Can you tell what it is about my skull? Is it my forehead, or jaw maybe? It also seems like for a lot of people the top part of their head can fit in the bottom, but the lower part of my head looks like it could fit in the top (I am skinny, so maybe if I gain another 20 lbs my face will fill out? I’d appreciate it if anyone has a measuring tape, could you measure the width of your forehead from one side to the other? My head just generally looks too skinny and short for my body, but from the side I think it’s fine. Anyway, if my head is indeed average circumference wise, then it must be oddly shaped, otherwise there is no other explanation as to why my head looks small and skinny on my body– I am broad shouldered. Does my face need to just fill out, if I gain weight will it look bigger, or is it my skull, and if it is will it still grow (I am 18 in one month). I think my head has grown a little recently, will it possibly grow more or develope to be more fittingly shaped? I think my jaw may be what it causing it to look small, so if it is, will it still grow or develope to a more manly shape? For reference, I think Shawne Merriman has a perfectly shaped/sized head, would you agree, what do you think his head circumference is? http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1086/1143573567_5c117b92ed.jpghttp://www.exposay.com/celebrity-photos/shawne-merriman-56-2009-nfl-san-diego-011dA3.jpghttp://static.thehollywoodgossip.com/images/gallery/shawne-merriman-photograph.jpgThanksExcuse the douche-like pictures on my profile.. I think the angles make my head look bigger maybe, because my head looks fine in some of the pictures which may be misleading. When I was comparing heads today in school I noticed a person whose head I always thought was a little small (all though no one else does, maybe they just don’t look carefully enough) was similar in size to mine. I always thought he had a skinny forehead though, much smaller than mine, but in fact mine was about the same (except the rest of my face looks smaller). Could this be a weight issue?
A: Seriously man, don’t worry ’bout it. Mine’s 22.8 inches and it looks really big. I’m 6 foot as well.Edit:From that pic, you look normal. Also, if you want to see how much difference a few centimetres makes, look at my head.http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/474/dsc02624fb.jpg
How is the beginning of my story :)?
Q: Thunder grumbled in the dark clouds as rain poured over the tall grass, quenching its thirst. A pair of figures struggled against the wind and rain whipping in their faces, while a rich scent of wet dirt filled their nostrils. They moved briskly through the grass and from under trees, as if they had a great purpose. The leading of the two was none other than an animal—a fox. The fox’s sleek, shiny white coat had been drenched and had managed to appear as a dirty gray.“Are you sure this is the right place, Saybelle?” The girl said in disbelief. She wrapped the black cloak more tightly around her face, trying her absolute best to shield herself from the most unwelcome and uncalled for rain.“I’m quite certain, Ophelia,” replied the fox.Ophelia sighed, she felt as if they had been searching for hours with no progress. She was becoming tired, with an uneasy restlessness looming over her. The weight of her cloak was becoming unbearable and simply annoying to carry; she followed the fox’s trail through the grass, both of them too determined to find what they had been searching for.A cave had seemed to grow out of the darkness a further distance away, which encouraged the two to quicken their pace. The form of the cave began to get clearer; a large mouth appeared with toasty golden light glowing out, illuminating a fair amount of the darkness surrounding it.“Over there,” The fox said, her ears perking up at the sight, she stopped momentarily, “come, he must’ve been waiting for us, we should hurry,” She turned eagerly to face an exhausted Ophelia.Their eyes had—over the past hours or so—grown accustomed to the dark, but intense light swallowed the mouth of the cave. The cave was much larger from the inside rather than how it appeared at the entrance, its ceiling stretched out into the darkness, the light which they blindly followed could only reveal its depth so much.As they continued to go deeper, they realized that the source of the light had been a roaring fire, its bright flames slithering towards the top and filling the air with gray smoke and much welcomed warmth. However, the fire was certainly not all they had encountered—or had come for—through the flames a young boy sat, waiting patiently.“Skyler?”“About time—I was just about to go looking for you two, these days you just don’t know,” He sighed rather sadly.Saybelle yawned and stretched out her slender paws. Skyler grinned at her,“You look like you had a good time getting here,”“Most pleasurable, though having a bit of snow instead of this rain would certainly cheer me up,” She said in a dull voice, shaking off rainwater as if it were something very horrible. She turned away and searched for a comfortable warm spot to sprawl onto—if any.“Of all the places, you choose to meet here?” Ophelia gave the cave one sweeping look.“I doubt Furawn would have the time and patience to go searching for us in caves in the middle of a storm,” He grinned, “it was the safest place I could think of—what did you find?”“Heard about the King of Dukeworth—“’Dropped dead,’ I know, there’s gossip about it all over the Town of Quinley,” He looked away from Ophelia and fixed his gaze upon the fire, burning a bright orange into his sharp gray eyes.“I can’t believe no one’s doing anything about it, though,” Ophelia said irritably, she heard a soft snore to her left; Saybelle had curled up into a ball with her head lightly resting on an oddly shaped rock.“There’s nothing much anyone can do about it, Ophelia, it’s strange magic—the kind no one’s seen or heard before,” Skyler whispered with his face very alert—as if a big secret had finally been out.“Do you—do you suppose we should just tell someone? Tell them, tell them what we know? Perhaps—if we work together, we can put an end to this?” All the while she stuttered through, Skyler was shaking his head in pure disagreement.“But why wouldn’t they believe us? We have Saybelle—to prove to them we’re telling the truth. She is the only survivor in her family and she saw it with her own eyes! This is exactly what Furawn is afraid of, that someone will finally figure out what he’s up to, that somehow it would leak out and spread among the kingdoms—because there must be someone who knows how to stop him, ” She pressed on.“We can’t tell them that we crossed the Gertrude Mountains! It’s forbidden to go over them!”“They don’t have to know that we crossed the Gertrude Mountains,” hissed Ophelia.At that precise moment, a faint shadow had appeared through the firelight on the opposite wall from where Skyler sat. For a moment, he sat quite still before he whispered shakily, “They’re coming in here,”Ophelia’s eyes widened in horror, the first thing she did was quickly go to Saybelle’s curled up body and shook it awake.“What—“Shh!” She hissed through clenched teeth. The fox shot up as the shadow on the wall became closer, “The fire! The fire! Put it out!”
A: WOW amazing smiley girl, you wrote the same thing on my excerpt, stop advertising yours its considered SPAM yur not even reading them!!!
Is the beginning of my story interesting?
Q: Thunder grumbled in the dark clouds as rain poured over the tall grass, quenching its thirst. A pair of figures struggled against the wind and rain whipping in their faces, while a rich scent of wet dirt filled their nostrils. They moved briskly through the grass and from under trees, as if they had a great purpose. The leading of the two was none other than an animal—a fox. The fox’s sleek, shiny white coat had been drenched and had managed to appear as a dirty gray.“Are you sure this is the right place, Saybelle?” The girl said in disbelief. She wrapped the black cloak more tightly around her face, trying her absolute best to shield herself from the most unwelcome and uncalled for rain.“I’m quite certain, Ophelia,” replied the fox.Ophelia sighed, she felt as if they had been searching for hours with no progress. She was becoming tired, with an uneasy restlessness looming over her. The weight of her cloak was becoming unbearable and simply annoying to carry; she followed the fox’s trail through the grass, both of them too determined to find what they had been searching for.A cave had seemed to grow out of the darkness a further distance away, which encouraged the two to quicken their pace. The form of the cave began to get clearer; a large mouth appeared with toasty golden light glowing out, illuminating a fair amount of the darkness surrounding it.“Over there,” The fox said, her ears perking up at the sight, she stopped momentarily, “come, he must’ve been waiting for us, we should hurry,” She turned eagerly to face an exhausted Ophelia.Their eyes had—over the past hours or so—grown accustomed to the dark, but intense light swallowed the mouth of the cave. The cave was much larger from the inside rather than how it appeared at the entrance, its ceiling stretched out into the darkness, the light which they blindly followed could only reveal its depth so much.As they continued to go deeper, they realized that the source of the light had been a roaring fire, its bright flames slithering towards the top and filling the air with gray smoke and much welcomed warmth. However, the fire was certainly not all they had encountered—or had come for—through the flames a young boy sat, waiting patiently.“Skyler?”“About time—I was just about to go looking for you two, these days you just don’t know,” He sighed rather sadly.Saybelle yawned and stretched out her slender paws. Skyler grinned at her,“You look like you had a good time getting here,”“Most pleasurable, though having a bit of snow instead of this rain would certainly cheer me up,” She said in a dull voice, shaking off rainwater as if it were something very horrible. She turned away and searched for a comfortable warm spot to sprawl onto—if any.“Of all the places, you choose to meet here?” Ophelia gave the cave one sweeping look.“I doubt Furawn would have the time and patience to go searching for us in caves in the middle of a storm,” He grinned, “it was the safest place I could think of—what did you find?”“Heard about the King of Dukeworth—“’Dropped dead,’ I know, there’s gossip about it all over the Town of Quinley,” He looked away from Ophelia and fixed his gaze upon the fire, burning a bright orange into his sharp gray eyes.“I can’t believe no one’s doing anything about it, though,” Ophelia said irritably, she heard a soft snore to her left; Saybelle had curled up into a ball with her head lightly resting on an oddly shaped rock.“There’s nothing much anyone can do about it, Ophelia, it’s strange magic—the kind no one’s seen or heard before,” Skyler whispered with his face very alert—as if a big secret had finally been out.“Do you—do you suppose we should just tell someone? Tell them, tell them what we know? Perhaps—if we work together, we can put an end to this?” All the while she stuttered through, Skyler was shaking his head in pure disagreement.“But why wouldn’t they believe us? We have Saybelle—to prove to them we’re telling the truth. She is the only survivor in her family and she saw it with her own eyes! This is exactly what Furawn is afraid of, that someone will finally figure out what he’s up to, that somehow it would leak out and spread among the kingdoms—because there must be someone who knows how to stop him, ” She pressed on.“We can’t tell them that we crossed the Gertrude Mountains! It’s forbidden to go over them!”“They don’t have to know that we crossed the Gertrude Mountains,” hissed Ophelia.At that precise moment, a faint shadow had appeared through the firelight on the opposite wall from where Skyler sat. For a moment, he sat quite still before he whispered shakily, “They’re coming in here,”Ophelia’s eyes widened in horror, the first thing she did was quickly go to Saybelle’s curled up body and shook it awake.“What—“Shh!” She hissed through clenched teeth. The fox shot up as the shadow on the wall became closer, “The fire! The fire! Put it out!”
A: Who’s your target audience? It’s a good start for a pre-teen/ teen novel or story. For an older audience though, the plot seems a bit formulaic and bland. The beginning also reminded me of the famous line “It’s was a dark and stormy night…”, which some people might find funny or awkward.
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