Are people that smoke pot bad

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Are people that smoke pot bad”,you can compare them.

Not all people that smoke pot are bad, they may just make some poor decisions. Thanks for asking, ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are people that smoke pot bad
Why do people smoke pot?
Does having material possessions bring you happiness ? May be owning material things is not want every one wants in life . In other words I am not advocating Pot but I am asking you not to make false assumptions. Having Material wealth is …
How many people smoke pot?
For some odd reason not many people respond to this question on the government survey forms.
Did people during Biblical times smoke pot or take halucinogenics…?
Yes. Hallucinogens have been with humanity from the most ancient times. And, speaking of biblical times, there are those who speculate that John’s “Revelation” was partially the result of his having ingested an hallucinogenic mush…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to smoke pot after a spinal fusion?
Q: I know smoking pot is bad but will it effect the bone fuse? I was told nicotine was bad but they never said anything about the pot.
A: Seeing as it’s illegal in the first place, let me see, yes it is. I can’t believe you asked that. What a dumb question. And they say pot doesn’t kill brain cells. Well everyone, here’s your living proof.
Why does everyone assume people who smoke pot are bad?
Q: Ok, I’ll give it to yall. Some people who smoke pot are the kind who do nothing else but smoke all of there money away. But what about the other kind of pot head?I was answering a question about a girls boyfriend and everyone was putting down pot heads. I don’t do it, never have. But my fiance does. I’m not condoning this bad behavior but seriously. People said that they are dead beats who have bad jobs. My boyfriend makes twenty dollars an hour, good for our small town, he is a lab analyst. People said they use too much money for the habit. He MIGHT spend 10 dollars every two weeks.They said that if you stay with someone who has this habit, then you will eventually have it too. I’ve been with him for three years and I don’t want it yet.Not everyone who smokes puts their loved ones health in danger. He never smokes when I’m around. Plus pot doesn’t have all the pesticides that tobacco does, it’s not as bad as cigarettes. It has never changed his behavior like alcohol would. He is always very sweet, never depressed, angry, or violent whether he has smoked that day or not.Pot is NOT addictive, it’s a relaxer. Like a hot bath, or Mountain Dew, is to some people. I’m guilty of drinking Mountain Dew, in fact when I get a headake I drink one and I feel better. Does that make me a horrible person? Or does it make me normal because it’s legal?Ok, obviously I didn’t mean EVERYONE assumes this. From reading my question you should get the idea that I’m not against it, and it is a long shot to say everyone in the world is. Quit taking every word so litteral, and quit trying to be a jerk about answering my question. Thank you.I don’t smoke it because my grandfather died from lung cancer. I know pot a tobacco are not the same thing but I just choose not to smoke anything because of that fact. Oh, and yes he does only smoke about 10 dollars a week. He doesn’t smoke a whole lot at all. Just because you where a pot head and could smoke more than 10 per week doesn’t mean he is the same way.
A: if you plan on having any children how do expect to tell them not to do drugs (or smoke pot) if you do.$10 every 2 weeks – yeah right!!!soda is not illegalyou cannot drive safely after you have smoke a joint-how would you know about pot if you have never smoked beforeit burns up you brain cells tooit does cause depressionif pot was like a hot bubble bath then why dont you smoke it or why dont you give it to your kids then. stop trying to make pot sound like its okay to smokesmoke pot and get fired from your job or put in jailsmoke pot and cause an accident get put in jailyou can tell it burns up your brain cells by the way i type!!!
why is it that people think just because you smoke pot you will be a bad worker?
Q: i think the government has just brainwashed everybody on that. its ok though to drink as much as you want. you can get a job pretty much anywhere and drink. but smoking pot noway. they have just put a bad image on it. if it went out of your body as fast as vodka or beer does it wouldnt be as big of a problem. i say dont knock it til you try it.
A: The only people who think smoking pot does not affect a persons abilities to perform routine menial tasks is the pot smokers.As a non pot smoker who has had the misfortune of having to work with a pot smokker or 2 in my life I will say this: Someone high on pot is the worst worker in the shop. They go throught the motions of doing their job,yet get nothing accomplished. I am glad employers are starting to do random drug testing.
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