Can cigarettes go bad

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Cigarettes can go “stale”.When they do, just toss the unopened packs/cartons into the freezer and leave them for a few days or so. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can cigarettes go bad
Can a cigarette go bad?
Not that I’m aware of – but I would throw the packet away if I were you – they seem dodgy
Do cigarettes go bad?
Here is how you tell if your smokes are stale or too gross to smoke. Take a cig out and hold the filter with your thumb and finger. Then with your other hand, squeeze the end (the tobacco end) with your thumb and finger. If it is soft and s…
Will 40 year old cigarettes go bad?
cigarettes are bad full stop. it wouldn’t be any healthier if the cigarettes were freshly prooduced

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can cigarettes go bad before the expiration date?
Q: Just wondering. I’m not asking for speeches about how smoking is bad for you.
A: I’m not familiar with expiration dates but cigarettes definitely go stale. If they’re opened, they start to dry out. A dried out cigarette will taste stale and more harsh. To keep them fresh, put them in an air-tight container. To rehydrate a pack of dried cigarettes, take the cigarettes out of the pack. Place in an air-tight container. Wet a clean paper towel with distilled water and wring out. Put in a small cup or dish and place it in the container with the cigarettes. Do not have the wetness actually tough the cigarettes. The cigarettes should rehydrate within 12 to 24 hours. You can also use a wrung out sponge instead of a paper towel but since sponges harbor germs, I don’t like that idea. You can also put water in a dish instead of the wet paper towel.They won’t be “good as new” but they’ll be better. Don’t leave the paper towel in too long or the cigs will be too moist to burn properly (this can be fixed by letting them dry out some).
is it true cigarettes go bad after 7 days?
Q: ok so i started smoking cigarettes and i heard that they go bad after 7days from when you open them is this true?
A: they just go stale when you keep the packet open or when you take the plastic wrapper off the bottom of it. but if you can get a packet to last you 7 days thats pretty good, i smoke a pack a day! just make sure the lid is closed when ur not using them and they should stay fresh
How long untill cigarettes go bad?
Q: opened packs and unopened.
A: A friend of mine took over a convenience store and there were hundreds of packs left from before that were 3 years old. We smoked them and you really couldnt tell except the menthols lost their minty flavor. Other than that they were fine….they did burn a little faster i guess becasue they were dry but hey they smoked and they werent 5 bux a pack!
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