Can marijuana make you hallucinate

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can marijuana make you hallucinate”,you can compare them.

Marijuana affects each person differently. It does not make you hallucinate. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can marijuana make you hallucinate
Can marijuana make you hallucinate?
No, marijuana as not classified as a hallucinogen, however, marijuana will sometimes make you go into “dumb” mode and you just act very relaxed, you sometimes will see the world go by slowly, and you will get really hungry, you ma…
Does marijuana make you hallucinate?
I think think makes you stupid. I a a 17 year old, and I’ve always been a caution about drugs. I started weed with the belief that it cannot be bad for you my best friends started with me. It has made me, and my friends very mentally disori…
How do I hallucinate from salvia?
Get actual shamanic extract. is the only place I know that sells it. Its specifically made for visions, so its just the right concentration.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to hallucinate from marijuana?
Q: Is it possible to smoke enough marijuana to actually hallucinate?
A: I used to smoke a lot of marijuana and i’ve only experienced anything hallucinogenic once. I stopped smoking it for 2 months and and then I smoked a large blunt with my friends.I was standing up straight on two legs in my friends’ bf’s garage but my vision was tilted as if one of my legs were bent but it wasn’t. Then when we were sitting down inside and i couldn’t understand what my friends were saying like i couldn’t understand english. The television was on and i didn’t understand.I think marijuana can change your perception a little bit in large doses, i smoked a lot that time. But you can’t hallucinate in sense that things appear out of nowhere, like if someone said they got high and then seen a giant purple bunny hop across the road they would be definitely lying lol
can marijuana make you hallucinate?
A: No, marijuana as not classified as a hallucinogen, however, marijuana will sometimes make you go into “dumb” mode and you just act very relaxed, you sometimes will see the world go by slowly, and you will get really hungry, you may also have a greater appreciation for art. But no, marijuana does not make you hallucinate.
Could marijuana from Oregon cause you to hallucinate, if not what could?
Q: I had a big scare recently. Someone at a concert passed me a joint so I took only 3 hits. I’ve done marijuana before, more than a joint or a few bowls and never had this kind of reaction. What happened was I saw spots like when you stand up too quickly and get a head rush, this turned to seeing colors and the lights seemed to just have lightning and everything was solarized but I felt like maybe I’d pass out. I was not even enjoying the concert, I sat down and after experiencing this for 30 minutes or so it seemed to clear up after I sat down. I’ve been to Grateful Dead concerts, smoked perhaps semi occasionally at a party or something. I asked the lady and she said that it’s just good stuff from Oregon. No way I’m not buying that. This was stupid to take something from a stranger but I thought it would be fun. Anyone can enlighten me on what could have really happened to me? What could it have been laced with?
A: Sounds like you’re not a regular toker and got hold of some really good weed. Not laced, but probably a high THC/potency strain. If you’ve only ever smoked schwag (cheap seeded street weed) your reaction to the “kind” may be exactly as you described. Oregon does not have the exclusive on it, nor is all weed from Oregon like that. I’m guessing you smoked one of the really trippy sativa strains…they can take a little getting used to!
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