Can piercing your own nose do damage

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If you do it correctly, it will not cause damage. The most important thing is to make sure everything is sterilized. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can piercing your own nose do damage
Are there any nerves you can damage with a nose piercing??
So long as the piercing is done by a professional body piercer working in a licensed and inspected facility you should have no problems. Piercing guns are not designed to nor intended to be used for nostril piercing, in many countries the u…
Can Nose Piercings cause nerve damage?
You can damage nerves with any piercings. Nose rings seem relatively safe, I mean, I’m not dead yet and neither are any of my friends that have it. Anyone who PROFESSIONALLY pierces knows exactly where all of the nerves, veins, etc., are in…
Can you damage a nerve in your nose when you get it pierced??
you don’t accually have nervs in your nose, like your ears, because its made from Cartalage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should I pierce my own nose?
Q: I’m thirteen, and my mom won’t let me get it done.I know I have to clean everything, etc. etc. I am going to use an earring…but I don’t know where. How stupid is the idea? How much trouble could I get in? (damaging nose, smell, etc.)Thanks! Please don’t think I’m dumb, because I’m aware of what could happen. Most of my friends have done it successfully though. Tell me what I should do…don’t tell me to wait or get it done professionally though.Thanks guys…I know my question was all over the place but I don’t think I’m gonna do it myself.
A: Unless you have an autoclave, your equipment will never truly be clean enough for a clean piercing. Having said that…Using an earring would be a bad choice, but I’m a firm believer in quality jewelry to help prevent infection. I use all surgical steel in my piercings, and refuse anything less. Allergies and other things can really complicate healing.If you truly insist on doing it, get some sea salt and mix 4 tsp into one gallon of distilled water. Heat the solution, not too hot, and soak it four times a day for ten minutes in a shot glass until you have absolutely no discharge left. (When I had my nose done, we had a glass table, so I could read or play DS while soaking.)Piercings are always a risk if you don’t take care of them after the fact, no matter how well you clean your equipment.Do not clean it with soap of any kind. Puncture wounds do not take well to soap. Read the bottles, they even say don’t use it on punctures.Do not use stuff that dries it out (alcohol or hydrogen peroxide), or keeps fresh air from getting to it (like neosporin).It can heal itself with the sea salt soaks just fine.
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