Can smoking weed cause copd

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can smoking weed cause copd”,you can compare them.

Yes, it can. If you have COPD, smoking cigarettes is bad, smoking marijuana is worse, & combining the two, is potentially lethal. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can smoking weed cause copd
Can you get COPD from smoking marijuana/weed??
i have been smoking weed since i was 13 im 19 now and recently i tested positive for the tuberculosis skin test so they had to check my lungs thoroughly and the doctor said my lungs were fine i dont smoke half an ounce a day though cuz i sm…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you get COPD from smoking marijuana/weed?
Q: I know someone who has been smoking since they were 12 and now they are almost 20. They have been smoking crazy amounts of weed that even i cant imagine how that can be possible. Anyways, lets say everyday about almost half an ounce a day everyday, yes every single day. I know that is bad and it is up to that person to stop on their own, i have tried and it has failed.They said as long as it is not ciggarettes, its much safer. But im not sure if that is true. I’m worried about their health, and i dont want them to suffer at a later age, that would absolutely break my heart. I know that ciggarette smoking causes horrible long term damage, as with any smoking i suppose, but will marijuana smoke cause cancer or COPD? I need to know the facts and i need to know people who have smoked a large amount of weed and have grown old and have no disease or people who have and do have diseases?
A: i have been smoking weed since i was 13 im 19 now and recently i tested positive for the tuberculosis skin test so they had to check my lungs thoroughly and the doctor said my lungs were fine i dont smoke half an ounce a day though cuz i smoke kush maybe he should try a more potent kind of marijuana so he doesnt need to smoke so much
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