Can you get high from snorting marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get high from snorting marijuana”,you can compare them.

No you cannot get high from snorting marijuana or the keif that grows on it. What else can ChaCha answer for you? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get high from snorting marijuana
Can you snort marijuana kief and get high?
No, it’s not going to dissolve in your mucous membranes and be absorbed by your bloodstream, which is the point in snorting something. It will just tickle and make you sneeze and feel awful. Plus then you’ve wasted what you could have tosse…

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Can you snort marijuana?
Q: I have to do a study on marijuana for school. One of the questions is: “Can you snort marijuana? Is it safe? Will you get high if you snort it?” It may sound stupid to ask, but i honestly have no idea.It would be highly appreciated if someone could help..I know this is probably a stupid question but i need an answer ASAP. =[
A: THC the active ingredient in marijuana is only active if heated. Snorting it would not do one thing. It is impossible to get high from snorting it. The only way you can get high from eating it is to bake it. Before doing that i suggest that you research recipes first to learn how to cook it the right way.
Why do people take heroin?What does it do make you feel good?It doesn’t make you high.?
Q: Why do people take it?People smoke marijuana and snort cocaine to get high and people drink alcohol to get drunk.But whats so fun about Heroin?It doesn’t do anything to make you feel good.
A: i am pretty sure that at first it does get you high in a way. it makes you mellow and calms you out. then when you get addicted to it, it doesn’t work so well anymore but the person needs it to function or they go into withdrawl and get violently sick. there are pills to help with this to get someone off the drug. heroin it horrible and you never know what is in a drug. my cousin died of a heroin overdose because there were extra things put into it. he was getting treatment too.
my dad said he has smoked marijuana before and he has snorted cocaine. will this effect his health?
Q: i was talking to my dad about drugs and i asked if he ever did them before. he said he smoked marijuana about 5 times in his life, and got high 3 or 4 of them. he snorted cocaine about 6 times and i don’t know if he got high. could this effect his health? it’s not like he was addicted.the last time he did any drug was 1997.
A: it shouldnt.he should be going for checkups though….make sure he does.sounds to me he wasnt a frequent user though.dont worry he’ll more than likely will live the average life span.
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