Can you give me tips on quitting smoking

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Remember that withdrawal symptoms are temporary! Drink plenty of water, recognize the habits you have developed with smoking. MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you give me tips on quitting smoking
What are some tips for quitting smoking?
I quit after smoking for 12 years, but I could not do it ‘cold turkey’ either. My solution was to put as much time as possible between cigarettes, and to put off that first butt for as long as possible in the morning. An easy solution is to…
Can You Stop Smoking For Good Using The Best Stop Smoking Aids?
Looking For a Natural Quit Smoking Product Quit Smoking Cigarettes Site(free) | July 4th 2009 by james carpenter There are a lot of ways to quit smoking, user a quit smoking product or not, and it also depends on how long you’ve been smokin…
Do you have any Tips for Quitting Smoking?
It’s tough. I quit cold turkey 3.5 years ago and, occasionally, I still get cravings, especially when stressed (which is a lot, unfortunately). As for tips, I don’t have a lot of them or any great wisdom. It just takes an incredible amount …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to quit smoking? Is there any tips for quitting smoking?
Q: Is there any tips to quit smoking which is easy and powerful? b’coz i tried so many times but not succeeded.
A: my uncle tried this and so should you!1. find a jelly jar (or any little jar) and fill it half way with water2. put some cigarettes inside the jar3. shake it up and put the cap on4. bring it with you everywhere a5. smell it when you want to smoke6. keep smelling until the urge goes away (warning: it smells AWFUL)7. after a while, you won’t even WANT to THINK about smokingit worked for him, and i really hope it works for you. good luck!!
Any really good tips on quitting smoking?
Q: I have terrible will power, but I would like to quit. It’s harder cause all my friends smoke, so I’m surrounded by it. Anyone have any tips on quitting.
A: go out one night where its very smokey! go home at put these clothes in a carrier bag or bin liner and close it…then in a couple of weeks when you really want one go open the bag and sniff! You wont wanna smoke again! 🙂
Any tips on quitting smoking?
Q: I am planning on quitting smoking soon and have an appointment to talk to a “coach” and getting some patches for free! My big problem is irritability and food! All I want to do is eat! Any tips on making quitting easier and decreasing appetite?
A: congratulations on your decision… there really is no wrong way to quit… most of in fact do put on a few “new quit pounds”… that’s pretty much par for the course.. food simply tastes better for one thing!! i have heard the saying “the Weight can wait” usually this situation stabilizes and the weight gain is only temporary….many of do munchies with baby carrots an other low cal items… also sunflower seeds, and peanuts in the shell seem to help with hand to mouth reflexes many smokers have.. as far as irritability.. yep new quits are infamous with incidents… i have a friend who jokes ” you are allowed 3 homicides your first 30 days” .. actually most of us although embarrassed at the time, look back with sort of a stoic humor on the situation.. the fact that your going to have a “coach” and getting free patches is great… there is really no wrong to quit, and it wise to use resources available.. myself i have been abstained from tobacco for over 5 years, with the help of nicotine anonymous.. the fellowship in the meetings gives me an anchor for my quit.. you are welcome at meetings smoking or quit.. even planning a quit is great, and you are welcome!!! meetings are available in metropolitan areas, as well online.. good luck with your quit!!
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