Can you make your own drug test

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you make your own drug test”,you can compare them.

No information on how to make your own drug test, but there are many available over the counter for home testing. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you make your own drug test
Can employers make you pay for your own drug test as a pre-employ…?
Yes, they can insist on a full medical … However (at least in UK) they have to be very careful if they are to avoid running into problems with the Disabilities laws .. Essentially, if they offered you the job ‘on condition’, they can on…
Is it legal for your emlpoyer to make you pay for your own drug t…?
Depends on if you have some sort of contract that was given to you when you hired in. If it stated that drug test were to be given and the employee must pay then pay. If you had an accident then it is not random but is post accident drug te…
Will hydrcodone make you fail a drug test?
yes, if you do not tell them ahead of time and give them your prescription for it as proof you will absolutely fail it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can employers make you pay for your own drug test as a pre-employment qualification?
A: Yes. Mine made me pay for my own background check.
Truck drivers paying for their own drug test?
Q: Do truck drivers (CDL & non-CDL) have to pay for their own drug test or do the companies they work for pay? What about independant contractors?
A: The company pays for it. My friend’s dad is a truck driver and they pay for it. If them or anyone wanted to do a drug test on themselves than they would have to pay for it, but not the ones to see if you can drive or keep driving or not.
can a probation officer drug test u in your own home if they are making a home visit?
A: I’m fairly sure they can test you anytime they want. If it is a scheduled visit, there’s very little you can do. If the officer has the written right to test you, then he needs very little reason to ask you to submit to a drug test. Especially if he can provide any type of probable cause (i.e., drug paraphernalia being present in the home, a drug smell, strange behavior)
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