Can you test positive for marijuana from being around the smoke

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you test positive for marijuana from being around the smoke”,you can compare them.

You can definitely test positive for thc even if you weren’t smoking however their are a lot of things you have to factor in MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you test positive for marijuana from being around the smoke
Can you test positive for marijuana by just being around the smok…?
If you are not a regular marijuana user, you will not likely test positive on a UA due to second hand smoke, unless you repeatedly suck it into your lungs and hold it. Keep in mind that many employers don’t use urine tests, and instead use …
Could being around second hand marijuana smoke cause a positive s…?
Alright cool thanks for the response! just wanted to make sure cause i am around the second hand smoke quite often. I remember a long time ago reading that you cant really fail any type of drug test from second and smoke because there isn…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you test positive for marijuana if your around it but do not smoke it?
Q: If some around you is smoking marijuana can your urine test positive for it.
A: I would say no. If you’re testing positive, you must have smoked it and actually inhaled it.
Is it possible to have a positive drug test result after being around marijuana smoke?
A: It depends on what you mean by “being around it”. If you’re in the same general area as the smoke for a short period of time, probably not. If you are sitting with (next to) someone and actually inhaling the smoke for an extended period of time, it’s possible.
I have been around second hand marijuana smoke once will I test positive for drugs?
A: Probably yes. Second hand smoke gets everywhere. 🙂
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