Can you use regular charcoal on a hookah

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you use regular charcoal on a hookah”,you can compare them.

Always use hookah charcoal. Other Charcoal has added chemicals for starting and to keep them continually lit. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you use regular charcoal on a hookah
Can you use regular charcoal for a hookah?
No way! Always use hookah charcoal. Other Charcoal has added chemicals for starting and to keep them continually lit. They have warning labels on the bags. Best Quicklight Coals are Golden Quicklights…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you use regular charcoal for a hookah?
Q: and what is the differance?
A: No way! Always use hookah charcoal. Other Charcoal has added chemicals for starting and to keep them continually lit. They have warning labels on the bags.Best Quicklight Coals are Golden Quicklights the best natural coals are Coco Naras are the only two coals I keep at home. Coco’s are a bit more expensive but they are the Rolls Royce of coals.
can u use grill charcoals for hookah tobacco?
Q: is it hazardus or is it basically the same thing as using regular hookah charcoals.
A: I wouldnt do that if I were you, you might end up burning your throat and lungs.Go to the nearest middle eastern market, ask for charcoal for the argeeelah ( r ghee la)
can you smoke a hookah with regular grilling charcoal?
A: it doesn’t hurt you when you’re grilling with it, because you’re not directly inhaling it!don’t use grilling charcoal! it contains bad chemicals that will mess up your lungs, and it doesn’t taste as could just use a lighter (like you’re lighting a bowl or something)rather then using charcoal. it’s cheaper and more effective.
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