Do drug test test for salvia

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Salvia is not chemically similar to any illegal drug and will not produce a positive on drug tests. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do drug test test for salvia
How do i pass a saliva drug test?
Uhm as far as I know there isn’t a drug test for salvia and its legal….
Does salvia show up on a drug test?
No it does not. It’s legal so why would they check for it. However if it’s a medical drug test it may show up as it’s chemical background but like I said, it’s legal. The chemical background to ciggeretts will show but it is never mentioned…
Will Salvia show up on a drug test?
No drug test can detect salvia, not only that salvia disappears from your system almost instantly so it really can never be tested for. Ecsphoria is also undetectable and so is Wild Kratom.

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does Salvia divinorum the plant you smoke does it show up in a urine drug test?
Q: At my school there starting random drug testing will Salvia divinorum show up? There doing urine drug test random plus. if Salvia divinorum will show up how long does it stay in your urine?At my school there starting random drug testing will Salvia divinorum show up? There doing urine drug test random plus. if Salvia divinorum will show up how long does it stay in your urine? and yes i know its legal but so it is tobacco but we kicked out if its in our urineand yes i know its legal but so it is tobacco but we kicked out if its in our urine
A: No it doesn’t show on drug tests.
marine drug test, salvia?
Q: alright, so i havnt smoked weed in enough time for me to be clean for my drug test in a week, but thats beside the point. i tried salvia down the shore this weekend. we bought it right at some headshop place on the boardwalk. idk how that shit really works so does it stay in your system? or like effect the drug test or anything of that matter?
A: The marines will not test for salvia divinorum; it is legal in the United States. Plus, neither standard nor extended drug tests can detect salvia divinorum. Salvia divinorum can only be detected by more complicated and uncommon lab tests. The elimination half-life of salvinorin A is believed short (less than an hour in Rhesus monkeys according to Schmidt et al., 2005), meaning the detection window for salvinorin A is probably brief, i.e. less than twelve hours
Will i fail a drug test for smoking salvia?
Q: my school does random drug testing during football season. where i live, you must be 18 to buy/smoke salvia. I’m not sure if i will be tested because i have a prescription for adderall (which is speed). if i am tested and salvia shows up, will i get in trouble? will they not test me because they know i have a prescription for, and have been taking (legally) amphetamine? (for ADD)
A: i heard it is not yet possible to determine if salvia is in your system. if so, i think i should leave your system in a short period of time, within a day’s time period.
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