Does alcohol get weed out of your system

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I see nothing that says that alcohol will get weed out of your system. This is highly unlikely. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does alcohol get weed out of your system
How Long Does Weed Get Out Of Your System And Alcohol too??
It’s kind of a trick question. Alcohol is water soluble. It goes right into your bloodstream from you stomach, and then your kidneys and liver work to clean it out. It takes a few hours and it’s gone. The drug in pot is not water soluble, i…
How long does it take alcohol/soma’s/weed to get out of you’re sy…?
Some people say weed takes 30 days to get out of your system… alcohol takes no time at all. If you need to get clean, buy “detox pills” from a local herb store [about $5] 2 days before you have to be clean, and just drink lots o…
How long does it take for weed, cigars, and alcohol to get our of…?
Marijuana varies from person to person but approximately 1 month. You can shorten this time by drinking a lot of water (i suggest a gallon or two a day if your in a rush) buying highly concentrated cranberry pills (its about 6$ its a supp…

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How long does it take for weed, cigars, and alcohol to get our of your system?
Q: i need to know how long all 3 of these drugs take to get out of a bodies system.weed – cigar -alcohol –
A: Marijuana varies from person to person but approximately 1 month. You can shorten this time by drinking a lot of water (i suggest a gallon or two a day if your in a rush) buying highly concentrated cranberry pills (its about 6$ its a supplement so no id is required and it helps to get you to piss out that water) and plenty of antioxidants (these too come in supplements but cranberry juice and green tea work great.) Tobacco im not sure the statistic but ive heard roughly anywhere from 3-6 days but if you follow the guideline above it will be quicker.Alcohol is only in your system for a maximum of 24 hours.(if you decide on the cranberry supplement i used to take 1 every hour and occasionally take 2 every hour, you cant overdose but prolonged use of a supplement in high doses can lead to kidney stones so i suggest you keep flushing your system to a minimum. I took about 12 at once and it helps to clean and mildly cloud your urine at the same time.)good luck.
How Long Does Weed Get Out Of Your System And Alcohol too?
A: It’s kind of a trick question.Alcohol is water soluble. It goes right into your bloodstream from you stomach, and then your kidneys and liver work to clean it out. It takes a few hours and it’s gone.The drug in pot is not water soluble, it’s fat soluble. It has a ‘half life’ in the body, which means that it goes away slowly. After one half life, half of it is gone. After another half life, half of what’s left is gone, and so on. So for it to get out of your body -completely- would take literally weeks! You won’t feel it after a couple of hours, but trace quantities of it will remain for weeks and weeks, and be detectable on a drug test.But after a day or two the level should be low enough that it shouldn’t affect surgery.
How long does weed/alcohol stay in your system?
Q: If your 15 and 105 pounds.Dont worry guys, my parents taught me better than that =]. I was just curious.
A: your liver repairs itself from alcohol every 2 months and its perfectweed about 3 weeks i think
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