Does crack kill

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does crack kill”,you can compare them.

Cocaine can cause acute cardiovascular emergencies, such as a heart attack or stroke, which may cause sudden death. Thanks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does crack kill
Why does crack kill and weed heal?
First of all, crack is addictive and cannabis isn’t, so crack user are likely to use chronically. Also with cannabis the high gets stronger and stronger each time, but with crack cocaine tolerance builds fast so people have to have more and…
Can first time use of crack kill you?
Of course crack can kill you its called a overdose.
How will swallowing crack kill you.
It can kill you if you swallow enough of it probably. Crack is meant to be smoked, it gives you a really quick high that way, but you can also eat it and get effects too, but they will be a bit different and require a different amount to be…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When swallowing cocaine or crack in a bag does it usually kill?
Q: From the little research I did, most people who swallowed cocaine or crack died if they didn’t get to the hosiptal in time.
A: The stomach acids break through the plastic which causes the cocaine to leak right into the stomach where it is instantly metabolized into a huge overdose.
if a person has a morphine pump giving out a 25cc dosage every hour wouldn’t taking meth or crack kill them?
Q: please help me with this because i am worried about a family member.I appreciate your answers and ask for your prayers for my uncle.
A: YES… they are going to bottom out their Central Nervous System. The body can only take so much of sedatives. You need to tell the doctor, nurse, and social worker. Q- why is a person taking meth/crack on a morphine pump? and where?
Does crack really kill?
Q: If it does, no plumbers are ever allowed in my house.
A: especially if its hairy as well…not nice
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