Does drinking kill brain cells

Health related question in topics Biology Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking kill brain cells”,you can compare them.

Moderate drinking doesn’t kill brain cells, but alcohol abuse can cause serious neurological damage. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking kill brain cells
Does drinking kill brain cells?
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, but technically it doesn’t actually kill nerve cells. It damages the neural connections between them- so they are not able to communicate with one another. Think of it as cutting the phone lin…
Does drinking alcohol kill brain cells?
A quick answer to your question is no. ..Brain cells die and new ones are formed every day. Just like any other cell in your body. Of course, if one burns more cells than they are reproducing one will end up with a net loss of brain cells. …
Will drinking alcohol ACTUALLY kill your brain cells??
It may appear so . Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful in many physical and mental manifestations: “Consuming large amounts of alcohol over a period of time can impair normal brain development in both rats and humans. Research is …

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Does Drinking Kill Brain Cells?
Q: Does alcohol kill brain cells? I drink like 5 times a week average about 10 drinks a night. I dont need a lecture i just want too know if im retarding my brain.
A: here you go in short, no it doesnt but long term it can cause probs with the neurons
Does drinking alcohol kill brain cells?
Q: My friend told me that our brain cells are the only one in the body that are not reproducing,and he said that if one person is drinking alcohol,the alcohol inside the body destroy these brain cells,is it true?could someone give me a clear explanation?
A: In short, yes they do. However you have several trillion brain cells, only after years and years of binge drinking would you notice any significant difference.
Drinking doesn’t kill brain cells and lower your IQ, does it?
Q: I guess that was all an “old wives tale” to try to keep kids from drinking and driving. I mean, look at how much Stone Cold drinks and he doesn’t appear to be any dumber since 10 years ago…
A: it kills your liver!! You need to smoke pot to kill those brain cells
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