Does marijuana damage the brain

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does marijuana damage the brain”,you can compare them.

Researchers have found only a “very small” impairment in memory and learning among long-term marijuana users. Lets ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana damage the brain
Does marijuana damage the brain?
No. In the aforementioned book book Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts Dr. Zimmer states that “None of the medical tests currently used to detect brain damage in humans have found harm from marijuana, even from long-term high-dose use….The …
How does marijuana damage the body?
It makes your brain bigger, and your lungs look like the california raisins.
Does marijuana damage your brain as much as cocaine does??
Cannabis has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed. Aside from a subjective change in perception, the most common short-term effects include: Increased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, impairment of psychomotor coordinatio…

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Does marijuana damage your brain as much as cocaine does?
Q: how different??please describe and explain .(in concise answers please)how are highs different between cocaine and crystal meth or crack??how damages ones brain differently too?over how quick a period?WHICH other organs do these drugs damage?why and how so?how POPULAR too and how they get distributed and by who?how popular in other countries besides USA?why USA has the most?please explain.
A: Cannabis has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed.Aside from a subjective change in perception, the most common short-term effects include:Increased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, impairment of psychomotor coordination and concentration, and short-term episodic and working memory.Some researchers have concluded that marijuana smoke poses a higher risk of lung cancer than tobacco. Cannabis use has been correlated with the development of: Anxiety,Psychosis, Schizophrenia,Paranoia, Alzheimer’s Depression Stroke Heart Disease. Some claim that trying marijuana increases the probability that users will eventually use harder drugs. Cocaine side effects include but are not limited to:Changes in blood pressure Heart rates Breathing rates Nausea Vomiting Anxiety Convulsions Insomnia Loss of appetite leading to malnutrition and weight loss Cold sweats Swelling and bleeding of mucous membranes Restlessness and anxiety Damage to nasal cavities Damage to lungs Possible heart attacks, strokes, or convulsions.Cocaine’s immediate physical effects include raised breathing rate, raised blood pressure and body temperature, and dilated pupils. By causing the coronary arteries to constrict, blood pressure rises and the blood supply to the heart diminishes. This can cause heart attacks or convulsions within an hour after use.Chronic users and those with hypertension, epilepsy, and cardiovascular disease are at particular risk. Studies show that even those with no previous heart problems risk cardiac complications from cocaine. Increased use may sensitize the brain to the drug’s effects so that less of the substance is needed to induce a seizure. Those who inject the drug are at high risk for AIDS and hepatitis when they share needles. Allergic reactions to cocaine or other substances mixed in with the drug may also occur.
Does marijuana perminetly damage or effects your brain?
Q: Im 16 yrs old and i been smoking pot scince i was 13yrs old. I know its not healthy or good,but I recently quit. And i been feeling really slow latley, and i wana know it marijuana perminetly damages your brain in any way….Does it have any future effects????
A: There are no long term effects to marijuana usage. it doesn’t lower your sperm count, it doesn’t make you retarded, and unlike alcohol, it doesn’t kill brain cells. You just need to stop blazin’ it. you’ll feel better.
Does marijuana cause lung or brain damage?
Q: Does marijuana cause lung, brain damage or any other effects?
A: Marijuana doesnt kill your brain cells dont listen to them they dont know what they are saying. If anything it increases them.. also smoking anything is bad but marijuana has THC which is an active carcinogen killer it helps fight cancerous cells and it kills the old cells that can turn rogue on the body. It does not give you lung cancer, but actually reduces the risk by 50% If you smoke it all the time it can give you bronchitis easier but then again you can use bongs to cool the smoke down or you can eat it which eliminates the smoking part therefore not imputing “damaged lungs” as a variable from the equation
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