Does marijuana have any long term effects

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does marijuana have any long term effects”,you can compare them.

Marijuana smokers typically have more sick days and many doctor visits for respiratory problems. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana have any long term effects
What are the long-term effects of marijuana?
Although all of the long-term effects of marijuana use are not yet known, there are studies showing serious health concerns. For example, a group of scientists in California examined the health status of 450 daily smokers of marijuana, but …
Are there any good long term effects of marijuana??
Yes. Marijuana has massive pain relief and muscle relaxant properties.
What are the long-term effects of marijuana use?
Some long-term effects on health are known, others are suspected.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking marijuana have any long term effects?
Q: When i first started smoking marijuana i used to get a buzz out of it. But now when i smoke it i dont get that, instead i think about the past alot and it makes me feel very emotional. are these one of the long term effects?
A: I did it for 10 years and then got paranoid. I won’t say no if someone passes me a joint but I sure don’t enjoy it like I used to. It made me dumber too. It slows down your motivation big-time as well. I wonder where I’d be if I would never have touched the stuff.I was self-medicating for an anxiety problem but I’m also an addict so I wish I had known to trust the doctors back then instead of now. So many years have gone by. Poof.
Is there really any long term effects to marijuana ?
Q: I’ve heard it’s the equivilant of a pack and a day on your lungs and I’ve heard it’s got no harmful long term smptoms and that it does have them but noone ever says what they are. Is there trustable data out there?
A: Smoking marijuana can give you just about every health problem associated with the lungs except lung cancer. Smoking marijuana leaves a bunch of junk in your lungs. Your lungs will gain the health of a 90 year old within a decade of smoking marijuana frequently. Very surprising is that there isn’t an increase in risk of lung cancer associated with marijuana. No one is quite sure why. Memory loss has never been proven. It is still just a theory as far as I’ve heard. It can make you paranoid, which leads to more serious mental disorders over time. Smoking marijuana is something that should only be done under medical supervision. Car accidents are higher than they should be. Smokers of marijuana are of the mistaken opinion that since marijuana is safer than alcohol, there is no risk involved with driving while smoking. Because of this, marijuana is within striking distance of matching alcohol for causing vehicle accidents. Marijuana doesn’t impair you abilities as bad as alcohol, but even surveys that believe marijuana shouldn’t cause accidents note that there is impairment that can interfere with driving. Marijuana users have taken that assurance entirely out of proportion.
What long term effects does smoking marijuana have on the brain?
Q: Is it true that it kills brain cells? Other than the immediate effects and possible respiratory effects, are there any long term affects on the brain?I don’t smoke btw
A: The general scientific consensus is that heavy regular use leads to a small dip in IQ (2-3 points) but returns back to normal after a period of sobriety.
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