Does smelling gas kills brain cells

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smelling gas kills brain cells”,you can compare them.

Yes, according to several scientific web sites sniffing gas fumes can kill brain cells. This is not safe at all. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smelling gas kills brain cells
Can the smell of gas kill your brain cells?
yes, smelling natural gas can kill brain cells…not so much so that a little whiff will lower your IQ, but yeah, it’s not so good for your brain.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can the smell of gas kill your brain cells?
Q: ME AND MY FREIND WERE DEBATING that the smell of gas kills your brain cells is that true?
A: yes, smelling natural gas can kill brain cells…not so much so that a little whiff will lower your IQ, but yeah, it’s not so good for your brain.
Does breathing in fart gas kill brain cells?
Q: Fart gas is methane, and methane is poisonous, right?So if you breathe it in, doesn’t it cut off oxygen to the brain?I was driving home from work one day, and I farted six times. It smelled pretty bad, but I couldn’t roll the windows down because it was raining.Did I hurt my brain by breathing it in? Was it a really unhealthy thing to do?
A: Methane makes up only 10% at most of the gas from a fart. There’s usually more nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen in them. In fact, the only time it would be harmful to breathe them in is if you farted literally hundreds of times and breathed all that in. There’s just not enough methane in farts for it to be harmful to humans.
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