Does smoking marijuana make you stupid

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smoking marijuana make you stupid”,you can compare them.

No, marijuana does not make you stupid. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading falsified government propaganda. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking marijuana make you stupid
Does marijuana make you stupid?
No, marijuana does not make you stupid. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading falsified government propaganda. Some of the most successful people in all of the U.S. have and do smoke pot. It doesn’t kill brain cells, it isn’t a gateway dru…
How does smoking marijuana make you feel?
relaxed, kinda floaty. your eyes feel mildly itchy and your mouth gets dry and cottony (otherwise known as cotton mouth, nothing that a cool glass of water can’t fix) your mind starts to wonder about random things and everything seems more …
Why does smoking marijuana make you laugh?
i have no idea; i can never stop laughing ;]

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking marijuana really make you stupid?
Q: I didnt use marijuana last year and i had to repeat a grade. This year i smoke everyday and am passing with A’s. Are the anti-drug commercials just saying it makes you stupid or is it really true because my grades have improved alot.For all you people that think im stupid for smoking pot and say that i didnt try last year. I did try i just have little concentration when it comes to meaningless tasks of school work. Smoking a bowl of marijuana before school helps me keep concentrated and i can finish an ordinary test that would take me an hour in 30-40 minutes when im high
A: Well, they say it makes you forgetful and…………. What was the question again?
Does marijuana make people ask stupid even when they are NOT high?
Q: This is a chicken before the egg debait. Is it that you would have to be stupid in the first place to smoke marijuana or is it the marijuana itself that makes it’s smokers retarded. I’m talking about redefining words stupid. Like a person that tells you that telling somebody you are ok when you are not is not a lie….”it’s just that you don’t want to be bothered”. The stupidity is thinking that the reason you lie has any bearing on if it’s a lie or not. This is the kind of circular brain dead arguments you have with smokers. Arguing with an Air Force pilot about fighter jets, when you have never even seen one. Just stupid crap like that, that will give you a headache since they won’t even BEGIN to have a clue no matter what you tell them. What gives? Stupid people or Stupid-people- making marijuana?
A: quod erat demonstrandum (Latin: which was to be demonstrated)
Smoking marijuana make you feel stupid?
Q: This question is for people who have experience with weed only, not the ppl who are gonna go Drugs are bad blah blah.Does smoking weed make you stupid? Is it just my imagination or can you not think clearly after you smoke weed, like a few days later.
A: It’s true.It does have an effect on the clarity of your thoughts.It does not, however (and contrary to popular belief) kill brain cells.
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