Does weed have any long term effects

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does weed have any long term effects”,you can compare them.

Research on the long-term effects of marijuana abuse indicates some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does weed have any long term effects
What are the long term effects of weed?
I disagree with Randy W’s answer. Marijuana has never been shown to cause structural brain damage. It does not “reduce the number of brain cells”, at least as far as modern science can show through any direct effect of the drug. …
Does smoking weed really have any long-term effects??
LET ME FIRST SAY THAT, occasional users have nothing to worry about, but look down for the long term. Some studies have indicated that it kills brain cells, but it is not a fact. Nothing has proven it. Alcohol is proven to kill brain cells …
Can you overdose on Horny Goat Weed & bad long term effects??
Horny Goat Weed pills are made up of all natural ingredients, so there are no nasty side effects. You cant become dependant because none of the ingredients are addictive, and if you decide to stop taking them your functions will just go bac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking weed really have any long-term effects?
Q: I just read a previous answer to a question, and the woman answered “Marijuana does NOT HAVE ANY LONG-TERM OR PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS WHATSOEVER.IT DOES NOT KILL BRIAN CELLS…ALCOHOL DOES.It only diminishes your memory when you are under the influence of the drug, just as any drug does.”As a matter of fact, you can read it yourself:;_ylt=AigoRI.CKlE1fDh8Q7h9n2AjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071221192049AA3B0UDSo I just wanted to know, does it ACTUALLY kill brain cells, or is that just a myth? Thanks.
A: LET ME FIRST SAY THAT, occasional users have nothing to worry about, but look down for the long term.Some studies have indicated that it kills brain cells, but it is not a fact. Nothing has proven it. Alcohol is proven to kill brain cells though. Many studies have also shown that smoking marijuana does not kill brain cells, and one, just one, shows that it may cause new brain cell growth.If you are smoking marijuana it can blacken your lungs, but no link between marijuana and cancer has been found.For men some research has shown long term, heavy use can cause there to be less sperm in your semen.Long term Alcohol use can cause you to be infertile. Meaning there is no sperm or your sperm is useless.Some research has also shown there to be damage done to the respritory system in long term use. Also not proven yet, but there is significant evidence toward this. Alcohol messes up pretty much your whole body.Other than that, nothing else. You may feel a bit “Burnt out” for up to a week after you quit smoking pot regularly, because of the time it takes for all the THC to leave your system. It may take longer depending on how regularly you smoke. Somepeople say it cause A syndrome. Anti motivational syndrome. It can cause people not to feel like doing work. This HAS been proven. Oddly enough, it is the one I don’t belive. You can not blame peoples lazyness ont he drug they are using..Oh an it has been proven that, if you have mental problems in your genetics, such as Schizofrenia, excuse my spelling on that, and a few other things, smoking marijuana may trigger those diseases. It is unlikely though. I have Schizo in my blood but I’ve been smoking for years and I’m fine.I say legalize it!
Does Weed (pot, Grass whatever) have any long term effects?
Q: just wondering? what about Herroine? or however you spell it
A: Yeah, weed dissintegrates your brain cells, leaving the person with fewer and fewer of them every time it is used. And the person gets dumber and dumber, and more air-headed and just turns out to be a burned out pothead. It also sloooowwwws down your thinking process by far after so long of using it and takes a person much longer to think about anything or even comprehend.
Can you overdose on Horny Goat Weed & bad long term effects?
Q: Is it possible to become dependant on the pill to wear your body doesn’t naturally do the things… that it should without the pill?
A: Horny Goat Weed pills are made up of all natural ingredients, so there are no nasty side effects. You cant become dependant because none of the ingredients are addictive, and if you decide to stop taking them your functions will just go back to how they were before you started taking it.
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