How can I get high with no weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I get high with no weed”,you can compare them.

Although it’s still unhealthy, smoking marijuana is technically the “safest” way to get high because it doesn’t kill brain cells. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I get high with no weed
How to get high with no money, weed or pills.?
spray spray paint into a plastic bag then smells the fuems (that kills a ton of brain cells and is super dangerous but it takes away any feeling in your face so you could punch your self and it wont hurt.) shove a sharpee up your nose and s…

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Q: Ok if you were to smoke weed how do you slow down the high. I was told to drink milk or eat. My friend had asked me I told him I would research it but not really sure what to search for, for smokeing weed.
A: take a shower. That sometimes helps me after I do it and I find out my parents are coming over to visit. 1) eat your fill2) brush your teeth or rinse with mouthwash3) showerkind of like a regular morning in a way. See if that will help.
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A: Likely one of these terms…BakedStonedRippedFriedWastedWackedBlazedBlunted OutTwiztidTrashedChronicedBuzzedGoneF****DFadedSlight eyedBlitzedSmashedPlasteredToasted
What is flying on an airplane high on weed like?
Q: Anyone ever flown high on weed before? I’m thinking about doing it when I fly from Ohio to California in 2 weeks.
A: It’s like flying….while high.It’s not any different than doing anything else while high.My suggestion is to eat the buds either by themselves or baked into some sort of dessert.. That way the high last longer, you won’t smell of smoke and you won’t be bringing anything on the plane with you. And yes they’ll let you on the plane while high…..for me it’s the only way to fly and it’s not like being drunk.
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