How can you tell if someone is high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Relationships Dating Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you tell if someone is high”,you can compare them.

If someone is high, they might: seem dizzy and have trouble walking; seem silly and giggly for no reason; have very red, (MORE) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if someone is high
・ 1 Watch for unexplained behavior changes. A normally sociable person may not want to talk all of a sudden… ・ 2 Notice sudden escalations in the person’s speaking voice. People on drugs often misjudge how loud or… ・ 3 Check out someo…
Depending on what the person is high on, the symptoms vary. If the person is high on an “upper”, or a drug that increases your energy and bodily function, they can appear hyperactive, paranoid, very energetic, have very fast or sl…
They just don’t look right, jumpy, look at their eyes, fallen asleep during daylight etc

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A: the smell of weed is harder then you think to mask the odor. I would give this person an extra hard sniff. If nothing..check his pupils if they are dilated (big) then he is probably high. Also the way this person normally acts and compare it to how he is acting at that moment. Slower speech…very mellow, also throw some weird stuff at him like say “Man It would be awesome to have a pet giraffe” *something crazy like that* and see his response. I know it sounds stupid but a high person would be like…”Dude that would be f*c!ing awesome” <~something like that. Also notice if they get the munchies…like eat a ton of junk food or even regular food. And if they get drowsy. But if someone is really high like took a few good tokes then your going to know. Oh yeah..their eyes will be glazed over *drops can’t stop that* like you can just look in their eyes and tell its glazed and usually their eyes are half way open.
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