How do you avoid throwing up when you drink

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you avoid throwing up when you drink”,you can compare them.

There are small steps a person can take. Eat bread, close one eye (helps double vision), avoid sugar, and get fresh air. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you avoid throwing up when you drink
Is throwing up a symptom of hand and foot and mouth?
Vomiting. Vomiting may be preceded by retching, in which the muscles contract as for vomiting but without the discharge of stomach contents.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can I do to avoid throwing up when I drink?
Q: I want to drink beer but I dont wanna end up puking. So what can I do to avoid the whole puking thing?
A: Ok as a person who has that trouble a lot here are my tips:First off eat or have a glass of milk before hand.Watch your intake. Figure out how many you usually drink to make you sick and drink 2 or 3 less.The moment you feel worse for wear start drinking a lot, and i mean as much as of it as you can get into of water.Most of these work for me but there are night every now and then where i just don’t know when to stop so it is bound to happen from time to time i have cut it down to once every 3 months are so doing this.
Avoid Throwing Up When Drunk?
Q: How can I avoid throwing up when I drink? It does not happen very often. When I feel it may be coming, I usually try to breathe heavier. People have told me sitting and leaning on your left helps prevent it and also keep your arms above your head.PLEASE only answers about suggestions. Please no stop drinking, don’t drink so fast, pace yourself, vary drinks, etc. Just things you may do or have hear of. Thanks.
A: throw upget it out of your systemyou will feel better after:)
What is the best way to avoid throwing up from drinking?
Q: besides not drinking of course.I tend to get sick sometimes when I drink and its always random, like I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache or throwing up, how can I avoid it?
A: Drink less… It could be a sign of stomach troubles if your not over drinking. Also drink water while drinking. The best one of course is.. not drinking anyway.
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