How do you get shrooms

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get shrooms”,you can compare them.

Friendly, relatively cheap and easy solutions are the so-called growkits for mushrooms. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get shrooms
Where can I get information on “Shrooms”?
Check out the Shroomery website or ask me.
You ingest them. You could grind them up and put them in a drink, brew a tea, or just pop ’em in your mouth, chew and swallow. The active ingredient, psilocybin, is converted into psilocin by your liver, which affects the seretonin receptor…
How long do shrooms take to get out of your system?
You could go take a test while tripping and it wouldn’t show up on the tests they run. I’m not saying to go there tripping, I’m just making a point.

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Q: i am interested in growing magic mushrooms from scratch and seeing as i know a place where shrooms grow wildly i was wondering how to extract the spores from them to grow…
A: The spore print like the man above mentioned works, but yeah, you got to be really careful, as it might not be the real thing. YOu could always just order spore syringes (they are alot easier to use than prints) from online for about 15 bucks a syringe. Most people tell me you can get about 2 or 3 ounces per syringe.
Q: Can you grow shrooms in Tennessee this time of year? My friend has a cow farm and he said he saw some growing through some cow sh!t. So i was just wondering
A: When Uncle Sam realized there was something in the feed for the cows, that grew such awsome shrooms they took it out! Watch what you eat, it could be deadly!
how can i grow shrooms if i dont have spores?
Q: can i take a cow pattie home so that shrooms will grow or does it have to stay in one place?
A: yeah you can, just make sure it doesnt crumble, and u can tell if there is shroom sproutlings in the pattie spray with water 3 times a day and keep them outa direct sunlight
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