How do you know someone is high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know someone is high”,you can compare them.

If someone is high on marijuana, he or she might: * Seem dizzy and have trouble walking; * Seem silly and giggly for no more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know someone is high
How do i know if someone is high on crack?
After a couple days without any, like when waiting for the next paycheck, the withdrawal symptoms are very clear, fits of rage alternate with feeling destroyed, over a background of such fragility that they collapse after less than a minute…
How do I know if someone is high on pot?
No he was not high. More than likely he was on amphetamines such as cocaine, meth-amphetamines, speed, etc. When someone is high their eyes turn red – the pupils dont react to THC or cannaboids. They may also be a little bit slow when respo…
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Upcoming Joint Worships: Since Lent begins on Wed., Feb. 25. The Joint Worship services from 2/25 through 4/8 will have a Lenten theme. A special service will be held on Thurs., April 8 in recognition of that day being Maundy Thursday. Semi…

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A: Yes, I can hear what you are saying. I can relate. I am the oldest and was the best child too. I found myself doing this to my kids. When confronted, I didn’t know how to respond. This is what worked for us (me and my kid)……..My kid told me that just because she didn’t make so many mistakes like her sibling. She said that this didn’t mean she should never make a mistake or not get the support from me should she make a mistake. Just like I support her sibling. Then she walked out of the room. I said don’t disrespect me. And she said she was just upset and wanted me to think about it. I let her walk away. And I did think about it. I reflected on my past. And she had a point. Hopefully this helps you.
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