How do you know you are addicted to marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know you are addicted to marijuana”,you can compare them.

You are addicted to marijuana if it consumes much of your time and thoughts. You have a craving for it frequently. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know you are addicted to marijuana
How do I know If I’m addicted to marijuana?
Ok, heres the deal, Weed is not physically addictive like other drugs, i.e. Heroine, Opium, Cocaine, Nicotine, Caffeine, Alcohol, but it is psychologically addictive like other common things, i.e. TV, nail bitting, over eating, etc. If you …
What can I do if someone I know is abusing or addicted to marijua…?
If you or someone you know is abusing or addicted to marijuana, we encourage you to call eDrugRehab today. Our addiction professionals can answer your questions about intervention, detox, treatment, and recovery; we can help you find a reha…
Is marijuana addicting? I mean I know someone can become dependan…?
Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is not physically addictive. It is possible to become mentally addicted to anything that makes you feel good, and THC will certainly make most people feel good. Unlike many other drugs, your body will not …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to get addicted to marijuana like you could with cigarettes?
Q: I was wondering if it is possible to get seriously addicted to marijuana as you can with cigarettes. I’m pretty sure the only kind of “addiction” you can get, is to the high that you get, but you can’t get a physical addiction. Is that true?
A: Several people have answered already but i figured i would throw my two cents in as well because I feel so strongly about this subject.I am 23, have 2 careers, and make 85k per year. I have been smoking weed almost everyday since I was 16. Obviously it hasn’t made me lazy, and to me its a way of life. There is a time and a place for everything, and I always make time to smoke. To answer your question, marijuana is addictive to the mind and spirit but not to the body. When I have to fly on business somewhere, lets say for a week, I don’t smoke (because I don’t have any). I have yet to experience a single withdrawal symptom. I can go as long as I want without smoking and nothing physically will happen to me, I will just miss doing it.Cigarettes on the other hand….If you are a pack a day smoker (like my father) you cant go 4 hours without having a cigarette. It is torture going without one. Cigarette smokers experience withdrawal symptoms when they don’t smoke such as headache, nausea, and irritability, much like a drug addict.
What is the medical term for a baby that is addicted to marijuana at birth?
Q: I know that there are some medical terms for babies that are addicted to drugs at birth so I was just wondering what the one for marijuana is.THX.
A: Babies aren’t “addicted” to anything at birth. They can go through withdrawal if their mother was using drugs. Withdrawal does not equal addiction.
An aunt has always been addicted to marijuana. How can I step in this personal issue?
Q: An aunt has always been addicted to marijuana. How can I step in this personal issue? I work in Favoretta, Florida. Which government or voluntary or professional services company can help me with this problem?
A: Its a touchy subject. People that smoke pot adamantly swear that it has no bad effects and that it should be legal. People that have quit and know better, stated to medical journals: we quit because it made us paranoid, emotionally unstable and feeling incredibly neurotic. Most older people that have quit smoking pot make the same statements.She is not going to want to quit, for one reason: she hides in a fog so that she doesnt have to face reality, and she thinks what she is doing is ok. If you have a group of family members that could get together and sit down with her and get her to stop by intervening, great…otherwise, getting her to stop on her own wont be easy.
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