How does ecstasy effect your brain

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How does ecstasy effect your brain”,you can compare them.

Ecstasy increases body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to kidney or heart failure, strokes and More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does ecstasy effect your brain
What are the side effects of ecstasy?
for one you will have increased heart rate, sweating, and your body temp raises. The biggies are Amnesia, confusion, depression, Insomia, panic attacks, and paranoia. Hallucinations have been known to be dangerous and cause death. Heres the…
What effects does ecstasy have on your brain?
In addition to dehydration, there are also secondary effects on the brain. Initial findings show that because of the dehydration, there can be significant neural damage. This is especially true if ecstasy is mixed with alcohol, as both indu…
What else does ecstasy effect besides the brain?
Yes it affects the liver my cousin did it so much she actually went into liver failure and almost died and of course once one organ fails it causes a chain reaction

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what else does ecstasy effect besides the brain?
Q: we all know it kills serotonin, but does it have any physical effects like detererioting organs like tobacco does to lungs?
A: Yes it affects the liver my cousin did it so much she actually went into liver failure and almost died and of course once one organ fails it causes a chain reaction
How does Ecstasy effect the brain?
Q: I need the answer in specific detail…..
A: It increases the dopamine level of Seratonin(neurotransmitter) in your brain, and destroys many of your cells. Might not be the best idea to go out and get some X.
What effects does ecstasy have on your brain? 10 pts?
Q: Im just wondering cuz my friend does it..not ALL the time but quite often i think.So what effects does it have you on physically as well?When will it start effecting you or showing?also i dont mean what it does to you in the hours after you take it.. imean in the long run.
A: In addition to dehydration, there are also secondary effects on the brain. Initial findings show that because of the dehydration, there can be significant neural damage. This is especially true if ecstasy is mixed with alcohol, as both induce a dehydration effect. In severe cases of mixed usage there can be severe brain damage – it is supposed that there is a reduction in cerebro-spinal fluid (the fluid that keeps the brain protected inside your skull), but there is little clinical evidence to support that… yet. Some of the first clinical studies are being done right now to see what ecstasy actually does on a physical level. If you do see any effects, concentration or reasoning difficulty could be some of the first.You are right to be concerned about your friend. Taking any drugs of any sort will have an effect on you – thereby the naming of it it a ‘drug’. I can give you anecdotal evidence against the use of drugs, and some arguments for, but since every situation is different, anecdotal evidence can be useful but is has a more likely chance of making you more confused or worried. If something starts changing in your friend, you will probably notice it. Hopefully she/he will stop using it before it causes any damage (i.e. before it becomes an addictive behaviour and stops being ‘just fun’)Do read the attached wiki. And there are also other bits of related information you can find there on a search.
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