How does salvia work

Health related question in topics Biology Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How does salvia work”,you can compare them.

The saliva drug test procedure is to keep the subject from drinking or inserting anything in the mouth for a period of time MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does salvia work
How does salvia work?
you have to hold one or two hits in for a long time. Like 30 seconds or so. Its not a rip off. The people who it dosnt work for arew doing it wrong.
Does oral Salvia work as fast as smoking?
Definitely not. When ingested orally, the first effects begin in 10 -20 minutes. The effects build to a peak fairly quickly, reaching a plateau which can last anywhere from 30 minutes to one and a half hours. The effects then gradually subs…
Why didn’t salvia work?
You have to break your tolerance, it took me a few different times until my body’s natural tolerance was finally broken. You also need to hold the smoke in for a while, like 10 seconds and you need to make sure your filling your lungs with …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does Salvia Divinorum not work on some people?
Q: I tried a 7x extract, but it didn’t work on me or any of my 3 other friends. What up with that??I got it to work with 21x extract!! All i can say is: Holy. Freaking. Sh*t.
A: you have to use a really high temperature lighter. not the crappy bic ones. also you need to hold the smoke in for at least 20 seconds if you can. if you dont feel much after 1 minute of your first hit, then take another. but be careful this stuff cannot be messed with. its extremely powerful and can take you to places you dont want to be.try looking on in the salvia vaults to learn more.or watch this girl on youtube:
Does salvia really work like they say it does?
Q: I was going to try the salvia extract, but I don’t know if it’s worth my time or money.
A: It is a strange lady, this plant. It is the most strong hallucinogenic plant discovered so far, but sometimes it just doesn’t open itself to you.If you smoke it, you should smoke it very hot, preferable with a special lighter, otherwise the working stuff doesn’t come free. I have to warn you. The experience can be very heavy and many people use it once and never again. It can also be a great experience, I love this green lady. But again, beware. Sometimes you feel hardly anything, the next time you space out completely. The trip takes about ten minutes.You can also chew on fresh leaves. That gives you a milder and longer lasting experience.
Does the drug Salvia Divinorum work the intial time?
Q: I took this legal drug and it did not show the expected results. How many times untill I achieve these results? Also, can there be a consequence from to much Salvia?
A: Well, It depends on the user AND the product. If you are using plain leaf, for best results, take a large lungful, and hold as long as you can. While you are holding that lungful, reload the bowl and take another hit, repeat up to about 3 times for best results. And seriously, there has been NO side effects found from tons of research. I think this is one of the safest things around, trust me.The smoke is pretty harsh, so if you don’t like the method above, try buying an extract (15x,20x,25x,etc.) The higher the extract you are using, the less smoke you will have to take in! 🙂
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