How long does it take to get THC out of your urine

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THC is able to stay in a person’s system for a relatively long period of time because it is fat-soluble. Being fat-soluble….MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to get THC out of your urine
How long should it take to get THC out of my urine??
It will stay in your system for two weeks at the very least. And for someone of your weight I wouldn’t say it would last for longer than a month. So start consuming plenty of water, antioxidants, and fiber now. It gets out of your system fa…
Will clear eyes take the thc out of you urine??
No it does not. It will simply make you look like you are on amphetamines instead of a little bit of mull, due to dilated pupils on a bright white backdrop….THC will stay in the blood stream for a decent amount of time, so if a urine te…
What is thc soluble?
Dronabinol. Dronabinol is a man-made form of cannabis (marijuana is an herbal form of cannabis). Dronabinol causes many effects on your central nervous system…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Typically how long does THC take to get out of your system? in your Urine?
Q: ?????????
A: I think it is usually one month to a month and a half from the last time you used it. It really depends on how much you use. Read this and it explains it better.
how long does it take to detoxify your body of THC for a urine screening?
Q: I’m about to have to take a drug screen, and am wondering if 22 days is enough to be clean. I will also be working out heavily until then, but will take off a few days before so that i dont secrete as much. i will also increase my water intake (although i know THC isnt water soluable,) and will be taking multi-vitamins as well. Before the 22 days, my intake of THC was fairly small quantities a day of low grade marijuana. any and all suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! thanks
A: The excretion half-life of Cannabinoids metabolized in urine, estimated by different techniques, ranges from two to ten days. It’s best you not start your job trying to deceive your employer.
how long does it take to get THC out of your blood and urine?
A: The only time your blood is usually tested for drugs is for an autopsy, otherwise urine (and now saliva and hair) is the most common method of testing.The standard 30 days for a chronic users is no longer valid.The length of time cannabis metabolites may be detected, on average, on a standard urine screen is typically no longer than ten days for chronic users and between 3-4 days for infrequent users. So whether you “pass” your urine test is based on a few variables: when you last smoked, how much you smoke, how often you smoke and the potency of the smoke. Attempting to “dilute” your urine may work, but it may backfire, depending on whether they look for color or test for specific gravity. Sophisticated tests done in a lab look for a muscle breakdown product creatinine, if the level is too low they’ll suspect the urine has been diluted.See the NORML site about recent development in THC in urine and the lowering of length of detectability.I hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist
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