How long does nicotine stay in the blood system

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does nicotine stay in the blood system”,you can compare them.

Nicotine stays in your blood system for approximately 72-96 hours. However, mental reverberations can continue for weeks. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does nicotine stay in the blood system
How long does nicotine stay in your blood system?
you’ll be fine dude dun worry about it, if you just had the one it comes out in 3-4 days if you smoke like a fiend then it takes a couple months
How Long Does Nicotine Stay In Your System For Blood Testing??
nicotine stays in the system 2-4 days for blood testing.
What is nicotine found in?
Nicotine (oral/patches/nasal) Nicotine is the primary ingredient in tobacco products…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does nicotine stay in your blood system?
Q: I’m 14 and had a cigarette 2 weeks ago and am getting blood work done soon. Will it show up?
A: you’ll be fine dudedun worry about it,if you just had the one it comes out in 3-4 daysif you smoke like a fiend then it takes a couple months
How long does nicotine stay in your system?
Q: I haven’t smoked for about 3 weeks but before that I smoked three of four cigarettes a week.If I was to have one cigorette now would the nicotine still be in my blood in five days?
A: yes, it takes about ten days to clear the system. if you’ve gone three weeks, why on earth would you risk all that for one cigarette now? surely you realize it would not stop with just one… seriously, now is not the time to cheat on yourself, don’t start up again.
Life Insurance testing for nicotine. How long does nicotine stay in your system?
Q: I went on line and purchased a detox kit. I haven’t smoked for about 6 weeks. I have an exam scheduled for next week. Has anyone tried those detox kits? Do they really work? Or what do I have to do to make sure that nicotine is not in my system. I believe that I will have blood drawn and a urine test done that night.The life insurance is obviously not for me I will be dead when it is collected and FYI I do not plan on smoking ever again… And have no plans on dieing anytime soon either. For a smoker it is more than double a non smoker rate. Again I vow to NEVER smoke again…
A: I agree completely with “domers.” I know you’re not planning to die — no one does unless they commit suicide — but if you die within the first two years of the policy, the insurer will probably find out from your personal physician that you used to be a smoker. If the application asks whether you have “ever” smoked, or if you’ve smoked within the past year or so, and you lie, the insurer WILL rescind the policy. Your beneficiary will receive nothing and the premiums paid will go to your estate.Long after the cotinine (the by-product of nicotine) disappears from your blood and urine, the effects of your years of smoking does increase your mortality rate. A higher premium is fair, given what your body has gone through. So don’t chance it. Fess up to being an ex-smoker, pay the higher rate and after you’re smoke-free for whatever period of time the company requires, ask for a premium reduction.
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