How long will it stay in your hair for a drug hair follicle test for marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long will it stay in your hair for a drug hair follicle test for marijuana”,you can compare them.

A hair follicle test covers a period of approx. 90 days, but is susceptible to time variation depending on the hair growth rate. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long will it stay in your hair for a drug hair follicle test for marijuana
How to pass hair follicle drug test – Marijuana Growing
I had a friend that wasted money on that exact shampoo. He failed 2 separate tests from 2 potential employers. As long as you have proof of the prescription meds, the X more than likely will not show up. The herbals should be your only conc…

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Q: I recently posted the same question and have received plenty of great responses, but there were a lot of mixed responses, so heres my detailed situation. I am currently in the application process for a job that requires a hair drug test. I called them and told them that I shave my head and they told me that they will be collecting from my underarms. I haven’t smoked or been around marijuana or any other drug for approximately 1yr and 5 months. Since then I have lost 15 pounds and became really active. I do not want a bad decision I made 1yr and 5mos. ago to affect my job process. What are the chances of my test showing up as a positive? and, How long does marijuana stay in underarm hairs and opposed head hair? Please respond to this question. Anybody who know anything about this matter please respond. Thank you in advance!
A: Previous answer is wrong. Hair drug testing only goes back three months. Even so, you have to be an habitual user of marijuana for it to be detectable.
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